LOYALTY To what? - To Whom?

I am absolutely ecstatic about people being totally loyal. . . to me! But I’ve accumulated lots of scar tissue during my lifetime that would cause me to wonder just how a thing like loyalty works. I can show you examples where loyalty that is bought with money can be wiped out with a different infusion of money. Many times, loyalty is auctioned off to the highest bidder. So, it becomes quite easy to generalize and say, “Well, loyalty is from above – betrayal is obviously from below.”

But I am finding that it is all a bit more sophisticated than that. I am observing that unless your life includes some kind of loyalty, you probably won’t be experiencing peace and unity in your everyday life. I observe successful relationships between people and conclude that loyalty must be one of the strongest epoxies available for making relationships whole and secure.

I have also observed that in those successful relationships where loyalty is evident, there is an absolute and astonishing principle involved called “self-sacrifice”. There is evidence of a faithfulness and fidelity that runs deeper than blood. That’s amazing!

So, my curiosity regarding loyalty has now turned from the characteristics of the state or quality of being loyal, to the object of the loyalty. Loyalty to What? Loyalty to Whom?

Maybe we can understand even more about the subject of unwavering devotion and allegiance, if we examine more closely the recipients of the phenomenon. I think it was Mark Twain that gave the advice: “Loyalty to the nation all the time – Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.” Apparently, we have something to say about “To What” and “To whom” we are devotedly loyal.

Recently, I decided to engage in a little exercise to determine “To What” and “To Whom” I would be loyal – and in what order of priority. I am going to be loyal enough to you, to share my list with you:

1.     Loyalty to God: Trust is said to be gained: Honesty certainly is appreciated: Respect is said to be earned: Loyalty is returned. No one has been so steadfastly loyal to me and to my family, as God. I will, therefore, be not only spontaneous, but audacious in my loyalty to God. It is a deliberate calculation and choice to return back to Him the loyalty God has proven to me. He is number one on my list of loyalty. I will lay down my life for Him on a daily basis, because His honor is at stake in my body.

2.     Loyalty to My Family: -- I call it my “procreation commonality” – that narrows it down from many, to a very few (I know that in the next ten years I will be able to come up with a better descriptor than “procreation commonality”, but it is the best I can do for now). On a daily basis, I intend to honor my close family with all the possible loyalty that I can imagine and deliver. I am confident in their passionate loyalty to me.

3.     Loyalty to the Herd: The herd consists of “mankind” -- mostly of institutions, e.g. my country, churches, boards, schools, governments, friends, charity organizations, charity donors, charity recipients, my readers, business associates, etc. 

The passion and intensity of my loyalty seems to coincide with the priority ranking of my loyalty list. My fierce loyalty to #1 and #2, listed above, gives me the wisdom and understanding how to prioritize #3.

I challenge you to take time to examine your current loyalty list -- and compare it with your ideal loyalty list.

I would welcome the opportunity to be loyal to you.