I hope you experienced some remarkable and wildly enjoyable moments of love and friendship during this unusual lockdown season of Christmas.

In last week’s blog, we centered our thoughts around the idea of the extraordinary gift we call “goodness” that is offered to our varied cultures of this planet. The Christmas season, and the beginning of a new year, is a perfect time to have a conversation about this amazing phenomenon that is offered to a world desperately looking for a glimmer of hope and a possibility of fulfilment.

I was gratified at the response that we received following last week’s blog. It was a confirmation that there are a lot of people who are really ready for a huge dose of “goodness” at this time in our culture.

I have been asked to expand on some additional ideas regarding this concept of goodness. So, for the next few weeks, we will try to center our thoughts on the only investment that never fails – “goodness.”

More next week: