I BELIEVE . . . GOD'S WILL Part 2: Discerning God's Will


Perhaps, this is a good time and place to have a little conversation regarding the idea of priority listings and their relationship to God’s Will in the Christian’s life.

Many of us have spent considerable time under the influence of religious institutions, denominations, and para-church organizations.

Over the years, these dedicated groups develop priorities and practices they wish to extend to their followers. Eventually, they are formalized into traditions, rituals, liturgy, and lore.

These crafted formalities are collected and assembled with the best of intentions for giving guidance and instruction to those becoming associated with the group. There is usually a high level of expectation for the group members to explicitly carry out the proffered rubric.

The expectations and identification priorities can even become the body politic of the group. Likewise, these expectations and priorities can, very conveniently, be employed by the group leaders as management measures for the control of the behavior of the individuals within the group – all with the best of intent, of course.

Let’s see if we can illustrate by using a very simple example:
I have worked with different church leaders who have espoused different priority listings for their church constituents. One church pastor presented his list of priorities. The following list portrays how members are to prioritize their time, effort, activities, and dedications in regard to carrying out their Christian life under God:


He stated that, “If the family is ‘first’ under God, then the other priority factors will all balance out very well.”

Instantly, another pastor in the discussion group responded vigorously, “No, no, my brother, you are wrong! There are no statistics to show that just because you have good families in the home, you will be guaranteed a good church. The priority ranking has to be:


The pastor went on, “If the church is not the highest priority under God, you will fail as a leader. If I can’t get the constituents trained that the church is most important, under God, then how will I ever be able to make them show up on Sunday mornings to teach Sunday School, or work in the parking lots, or come early as “greeters”, or faithfully sing in the choir, or faithfully give their tithes and offerings to the church? They have to learn their priorities – and it’s my responsibility to teach them!”

As I have studied God’s Word and carefully listened and watched over the years, I have become convinced that the factors of the church, the family, the job, the lost world, and recreation, are all absolutely important and legitimate. But in priority listing, they are not “static” but “dynamic” in their ranking. They freely move, they interact with each other, and revolve from one position of importance to another. At one time or another, each will be at the focus point of importance within God’s plan and purpose.

How will you know when a certain factor moves to that focus spot and becomes the top priority spot? That’s Right! – The very Holy Spirit of God, who is living the very life of Christ through you will be faithful to enlighten your Spirit, your mind, your emotions, your will – and instantly inform you of the immediate priority.

It is fair enough, however, in a discussion like this, that we recognize, and be aware of the possibilities of folks with good intentions who would tend to interrupt the divine process by inserting themselves as “divine providences” into the process. When that happens, there is a distinct possibility that arbitrarily, a legitimate area in your life – or someone else’s life – will be moved from the intended position of dynamic priority to a position up and outside of God’s divine process.

As we have learned in this session, the Holy Spirit of God is faithful to lead you and guide you into His perfect Will – and then help you to accomplish His Will.

Morning by morning he awakens me and opens my understanding to his will. The Lord God has spoken to me and I have listened . . . Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like flint to do his will, and I know that I will triumph. (Isa. 50:4-7 TLB)


This same Christ, who through the power of the Holy Spirit desires to live His life and ministry through us today, once walked this earth – just like we walk today. During His lifetime here He became the perfect example for us regarding God’s Will in His life:

He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing take this cup from me; yet, not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22: 41-42 NIV)

Christ was never expected to be a robot. He realized that He too had the power to choose. He possessed rights to His own will, yet He waived those personal rights in favor of pursuing God’s Will and God’s eternal plan for His human life.

Throughout the entirety of Christ’s earthly life, we see a consistent movement on a day-to-day basis toward the perfect fulfillment of God’s Plan through His life. He was not striving “to do the Will of God,” but rather, He was “being the Will of God.”

Christ knew that the fulfillment of God’s Will through His life was best for Him: “I delight to do Thy Will!” There is nothing on this earth that will give us more delight than being God’s Will. It seems strange when we observe someone who is dreading the very thought of having to yield and “finally having to give in and submit to doing the Will of God.”

Being God’s Will is the most fulfilling, most rewarding, most natural, most glorious phenomenon that we could ever experience as a perpetual occurrence in our life. Some people think that it is a hard thing to do the Will of God. Quite the opposite is true! The hardest thing on you in all the world is to not do the Will of God. If you really want to experience stress, frustration, and grief – just don’t pursue God’s Will.

Christian character is formed in us one episode at a time. As we rightly perceive the situation, conscientiously weigh the alternatives and consequences, we then have the opportunity to onpurpose choose to put into motion the alternative which is most consistent with the very character of God Himself. That sequence builds into us Christian character.


Many times, we hesitate to pursue God’s Will in our individual lives, fearing that the pursuit will lead to some undesirable lifestyle. We are afraid that we are not equipped for what might be required of us. We fear the possibility of failure and surmise that we will probably be required to become involved in something that we won’t like.

Becoming God’s Will does not mean that you set aside your own God-given abilities. He created you, fully aware of who He wanted you to become. God will never require of you something for which He cannot adequately equip you. The chances are very great that what He has in mind for you will closely parallel your own affinities and abilities. Don’t be surprised if you find that as you allow God’s Plan to be lived out through you, that you are getting to do the things that are the most possibly fulfilling to you:

For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of the faithful ones.

Then you will understand what is right and just and fair – every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. (Prov. 2: 6-10 NIV)


Here is some wonderful news for you. . . God’s great grace makes provision for you to live the victorious Christian life today, even though you rejected His Will in the past. That life of victory and fulfillment is entirely dependent upon you pursuing and accepting His Plan for your life starting NOW, and continuing every day of your life, henceforth.

It is true that we may still have to live with some of the scars we collected as a consequence of choosing our own way in the past. There are no guarantees that God will undo those consequences which we have set into motion when we acted contrary to what we knew to be right and neglected His counsel.

It is true, that as a result of our past stubbornness and selfishness, and all those wasted years and lost opportunities, it may appear that we would be relegated to a life of “second-best.”

You will recall, however, that the incomprehensible provision made available through the Born-Again life and the Spirit-Filled life, you are able to realize and experience God’s “Amazing Grace” that makes it possible to start out now and see that which we would call “second-best” marvelously transformed into a life that is indisputably “First-rate.”

Facing the reality of the issue of “second-best” vs. “first-rate” should seriously cause us to recognize the dreadful results of wrong desires and choices. It should make us determine in our hearts to WASTE NO TIME in neglect or disobedience, but rather, be quick and complete in our allowing God’s Plan to be lived through us always:

Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to walk, lead me; teach me; for you are the God who gives me salvation. . . The Lord is good and glad to teach the proper path to all who go astray; he will teach the ways that are right, and best to those who humbly turn to him. . . Where is the man who fears the Lord? God will teach him how to choose the best. He shall live within God’s circle of blessing. . . (Ps.25:4-13 TLB)

The only way that is guaranteed to know God’s Will is to intimately know God. The consistent intimacy with His thoughts, His mode of operation, and the familiarity of His voice, gives a greater assurance than all the visions, hunches, ecstasies, dreams, or pieces of advice from the saints, all put together.

You can have a relationship where you can know and you know you know, based on your intimate relationship with God Himself. You discern what He wants -- because you discern Him!


Sometimes, it is good to have some practical helps to aid in discerning God Himself and His Will for our lives.

Years ago, before the days of computers, radios, radar, or GPS, the captains of sea-going vessels were guided safely into harbor by a very practical method. They were directed by lights. . . harbor lights. The captain knew that he could sail safely into harbor if he correctly made use of the lights. Three harbor lights were used in the guidance operation. They were positioned in a manor, that when all three lights were lined up perfectly, the single beam of light could be followed with confidence into the harbor.

The system would not work unless all three lights were lined up to make one light. It was the responsibility of the captain to discern the route of safety into the harbor and avoid the rocks, reefs, and shallow waters by utilizing that simple method.

I think that following that same simple method of guidance will be helpful as you endeavor to discern God’s Will for your life. It has been a help for others in the past. There are three guiding factors to be utilized as harbor lights. All three must be present and in alignment for the successful passage:

  • Absolute Honesty in Wanting God’s Will

  • Choose What Seems Right and Most Fulfilling

  • Depend Upon the Holy Spirit to Check You


As you endeavor to discern God’s Will for your life, can you say with absolute honesty that you want His Will in your life at any cost? Are you willing to live with whichever alternative He would have you choose in the situation?

This is the first harbor light. If this factor is not steadfast and absolute, then there is no way to line up the other two. Your motive in discerning Gods’ Will for you must be pure and unmixed.


The second harbor light is not too difficult to line up, once you are certain of its identification. The use of the “3-Cs” may help here:

  1. Concept: You will begin to move toward one of the alternatives. Many times, God’s Will is exactly what you want for yourself because of the mind of Christ in you, guiding you in the decision.

  2. Consistency: God’s Will is always consistent with His Word in the Scriptures. It will never conflict. At this point, you may want to review the Scriptures on the subject.

  3. Circumstances: This will have a lot to do with just good common sense. You also draw on God’s supply of wisdom here. For example: the chances are very slim that it would be God’s Will for me to be voted “most valuable player” in next year’s NFL Superbowl!


The third harbor light is extremely necessary and requires a high degree of confidence in the Holy Spirit. But now that you have examined your own heart – now that you are sure your motives are pure – now that you want God’s Will at any cost – now that you have decided to do what seems to be right and most fulfilling – you can rest in the full confidence that God will check you if it is not His Will.

The Holy Spirit will bring an uneasiness or heaviness of heart to show you the mistake of your decision:

If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God. . . (John 7:17 KJV)

This verse is saying that if your motive is pure and you want only God’s Will, He will guide you, and you will know if it is of God or of man.

My own father was a wonderful author. I would like to share here, one of his poems regarding this subject of God’ Will. It is one of my favorites:

Rev. Richard W. Jackson
I have no will but the will of God.
No will but His alone.
Shout it through the judgment hall,
Let it re-echo when judgements fall.
I have no will of my own.

I have no will egocentric or bent
That surrounds some rebellion of self.
But all that I have I would concentrate
And to God and others would dedicate
With my soul like an empty shelf.

I have no will but the will of God,
To live or yet to die.
I desire above all to seek His face,
To walk illumined in the light of grace.
To know God is my deepest cry.

I have a will to do His will.
I desire to conform and comply.
But above all things of flesh and earth,
Outweighing all values from death to birth,
Is to obey and not question why.

I will to choose the true and the good.
The beautiful, the happy, and free.
I invite the assistance of Heaven’s aid
Where all of perfection’s patterns are made,
To accomplish these things in me!

Next Week: Economics and the Christmas Story

I BELIEVE . . . GOD'S WILL Part 1: God's Will in Your Life


God can safely be depended upon to bring you successfully through the maze of life. He is totally trustworthy. His plan for you is not new to Him. He has known you from the time He created you and desires to reveal His plan for you one step at a time, even though He realizes that you are not forced to embrace that plan. He has entered into an “agency agreement” with you where you have been granted free moral choice during this lifetime. God will honor that agreement with you.

Knowing that God has a wonderful plan for your life and can be depended upon to reveal that plan to you will give you the confidence and assurance needed to face each circumstance throughout your life.

The subject of God’s Will is at the center of every aspect of your Christian life. From the earliest of your spiritual experiences to your most recent lesson in spiritual maturation, you will find that God’s Will is the pivot point of every situation.

You will recall from the FAITH session that “faith” was explained as “being so convinced of God’s Plan, that you waive all your own personal rights in favor of pursuing His Will.” Faith’s security is grounded firmly in God’s Will.

In the previous session on OBEDIENCE you learned that obedience is the carrying out of God’s Will. If you are not aware and confident of God’s Will, then how can you obey?

Since the subject of God’s Will is obviously such a vital part of our entire study of salvation, it would seem the part of wisdom at this point to explore and investigate the subject for better understanding.


In my own personal spiritual journey, I have found some very clear and extremely helpful references in God’s Word regarding the subject of God’s Will. I want to share those scriptures with you here, for your own future benefit and quick reference:

But those who keep on sinning are against God, for every sin is done against the will of God. And you know that he became man so that he could take away our sins, and that there is no sin in him, no missing of God’s will at any time in any way. (I John 3:4,5 TLB)

And we can be sure of this, that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will.And if we really know he is listening when we talk to him and make our requests, then we can be sure that he will answer us. (I John 5:14,15 TLB)

Do not let this happy trust in the Lord die away, no matter what happens. Remember your reward! You need to keep on patiently doing God’s Will if you want him to do for you all that he has promised. (Heb. 10:35,36 TLB)

If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him;he will not resent it. (James 1:5 TLB)

Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God.Happy are all who search for God, and always do his will, rejecting compromise with evil, and walking only in his paths. You have given us your laws to obey – Oh, how I want to follow them consistently. (Ps. 119:1-5 TLB)

Your laws are wonderful;no wonder I obey them. As your plan unfolds, even the simple can understand it. (Ps. 119:130 TLB)

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest. (Jer. 29:11-13 TLB)

Help me to do your will, for you are my God.Lead me I good paths, for your Spirit is good. (Ps. 143:10 TLB)

Morning by morning he awakens me and opens my understanding to his will. The Lord God has spoken to me and I have listened . . . Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like flint to do his will, and I know that I will triumph. (Isa. 50:4-7 TLB)

Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy to offer you bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God –which is your spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Rom. 12:1,2 NIV)


    Everyone is included specifically in the broad scope of God’s Will:

  2. It is God’s Will that All Be Saved:

He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to parish, but everyone to come to repentance. (II Peter 3:9 NIV)

  1. It is God’s Will That All Be Spirit-Filled and Holy:

It is God’s Will that you should be Holy. (I Thes. 4:3 NIV)

. . . be holy; without holiness no one can see the Lord. (Heb. 12:14 NIV)

  1. It is God’s Will That All Spread the Good News of the Gospel:

You are the salt of the earth. . . You are the light of the world . . . let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:14-15 NIV)

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Matt. 28:19-20 NIV)


God’s Will is not just generalized to the whole world, but is very specific and tailor-made to each individual person. No one else was created just like you, and no one else has a plan just like yours. You are special and you are especially loved for who you are!

. . . “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. . .” (Jere. 29:11-13 NIV)

Morning by morning he awakens me and opens my understanding to his will. The Lord God has spoken to me and I have listened. . . Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like flint to do his will and I know that I will triumph. (Isa. 50:4-7 TLB)

God not only expects you to do His Will, but is inside you eagerly wanting to help you do it. God is working on a moment-by-moment basis in you to will and to do of His good pleasure.

You can now see, again, the importance of the session on the Spirit-Filled Life. Through the infilling and empowering of the Spirit-Filled life you are full of God through your union with Christ. You have His mind revealing God’s Will to you in individual situations and then empowering you to carry out His Will:

The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations but now is disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery which is Christ in you the hope of glory. (Col. 1:26-27 NIV)

. . . so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col. 2:2-3 NIV)

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fulness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. (Col. 2:9-10 NIV)

God’s Will need not be a mystery to the one who has the very heart and mind of Christ indwelling in the Spirit of that person. He wants to reveal His plans to you.

We are accustomed to thinking that we understand such matters with our physical head. But when it comes to discerning God’s Will we discover that understanding has everything to do with the heart. . . God is eager to let you know what He wants you to do next in carrying out His Kingdom Business. His reputation is at stake in your body actions:

Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – which is your spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s Will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Rom. 12:1-2 NIV)

You see, you become His hands and feet and arms and legs. Do you suppose for a moment He would not inform His body members where to go and what to do?

Being yielded to God’s Will is simply making ourselves available to having God live His life and mission through us. There comes to us at certain points in our adventure that we are not begging to know God’s Will. But the sweet revelation comes to us that we are presently being God’s Will. That revelation is reward in and of itself.

So, do not throw away your confidence: it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. (Heb. 10:35-36 NIV)

Understanding God’s Will is dependent upon -- Christ in us, our only hope of glory. That possibility is awesome. There is no attitude of pride or haughtiness there. We have to be broken and humble and realize that we cannot make it through the maze of life on our own. We must be open and broken and want to receive God’s direction more than anything of this life. There will be other voices and there will be other attractive options, but we must come to the place where we realize that His way for us is by far the best way.

Problems with our understanding of God’s Will usually arise as a result of our spiritual attitudes that are not characterized by brokenness and openness. We carry certain little pet notions and learned opinions and pre-conceived ideas into our new relationship with Christ. When we demand to hold on to our own little bag of determinations, we hinder the growth process (which was explained in a previous session), that would otherwise make it easier for us to determine the gentile leading of the Holy Spirit.

We then have a tendency to become insecure and defensive. If not checked and corrected, that attitude will render us brittle and intolerant and more and more protective of our own ideas and conclusions.

There is another exciting aspect of the Christ in us, our only hope of glory revelation. The “hope” element is a very influential factor. Have you ever noticed that bitterness, criticalness, and hardness of Spirit nearly always occurs where there is little or no sense of “hope?"

Being in constant pursuit of perceiving and carrying out the Will of God in our lives increases our quotient of hope and sets us on an adventure that only becomes more exciting and intriguing with every passing day.

If we are tuned into the very heartbeat of God and share the mission and direction of His Will, then we will be saved from the cynicism of attitude and meanness of behavior.

Next Week: God’s Will Part 2: Discerning God’s Will

I BELIEVE . . . OBEDIENCE Part 2: Practical Principles of Obedience


We have looked at how the subject of obedience relates to the phenomenon of faith, and the position of high importance placed on obedience by God down through history. We have also viewed how the old patriarchs faced and responded to situations demanding obedience in their lives. Now, let’s see if we can simplify several principles that will give some practical handles to help in an everyday life of quick and complete obedience:


In the 14th chapter of John’s gospel, Jesus discloses the formula for success in regard to obedience. He states that: “if you love me, you will obey me.” The only logical conclusion to draw is that if you are not obeying him, it is simply because you do not love him. If you do not love him, it is because you love something else in his place. It is more than likely the case, that if you do not love him, what you are loving in his place is you . . . you are loving yourself.

Study again, for a moment, the diagram which was used in the previous sessions. You will see that obedience has everything to do with WHO controls your heart.

If you are at the center of your affections and being controlled by your own selfish bent, then you will be obedient to the wishes and desires of your own selfish nature.

If you are a Born-Again Christian, but not filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit, then no one from the outside needs to tell you that you are involved in a royal battle continually. The conflict and struggle is there all the time. Will you obey what your new nature tells you is right – or will you follow obedience to your old lower, selfish nature?

If you are a Spirit-Filled Christian, and your very heart or seat of affection is controlled by Christ through the Holy Spirit, then your deepest desire will be to please God through a lifestyle of on purpose obedience.

So, it stands to reason that there will always be a major problem with obedience as long as you have a problem with the question of who controls your heart. You will always follow with action what you subconsciously desire to see accomplished.

In Christ’s formula, He goes on to explain that “if you love me, you will obey me -- and if you love me and obey me, I will reveal myself to you:”

The one who obeys me is the one who loves me; and because he loves me, my Father will love him; and I will too, and I will reveal myself to him. . . Because I will only reveal myself to those who love me and obey me. (John 14: 21&23 TLB)

This revelation is all that you need for further obedience. It is the wisdom which has been promised through the very mind of Christ being lived out through your spirit and heart. It is your hope of being able to see things as they really are. The experience of seeing things as they really are, builds your confidence in the Holy Spirit, who is the great “wisdom-giver” and the one who allows you to trust Him as you step out in quick and complete obedience.

Christ also adds that He wants to give to those who love Him and obey Him, not only revelation, but He wants to give them a gift – a gift of peace of mind and heart.

I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled and afraid. (John 14:27 TLB)

No, this peace is not fragile like the peace the world gives, but is the assurance that comes when you love Him completely and obey Him quickly. It is the assurance that comes that you are on the right track and all is well in the relationship between you and your Lord!

Summary: The Principle of Christ’s Formula is that – “If you love me you will obey me; if you love me and obey me, I will reveal myself to you one step at a time and give you the gift of peace of mind and of heart.”


Early in my spiritual journey, I bumped into a wonderful little book written by Hannah Whitall Smith: The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life. (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H Revell Co., 1952 p. 208) In her book, she shared the idea that “perfect obedience would be perfect happiness if only we had perfect confidence in the power we were obeying.”

Over the years, I have taken liberty to paraphrase her idea and tighten it up a bit.

Perfect obedience would be perfect happiness if we had perfect confidence in the one we obey. For you see, perfect confidence is when you are so convinced of God’s Will that you waive all your own personal rights in favor of pursuing His Plan. Does that sound familiar? That’s perfect faith!

As you will recall, faith implies action, and it is the action part of faith that becomes the initiation of obedience. Without perfect faith or confidence, there can never be perfect obedience. But when there is perfect faith in God’s Plan for your life, followed by perfect obedience in carrying out that Plan, the net result will be perfect happiness. That is because you are fulfilling the Plan for which you were created. There is no greater happiness than that!

Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God. Happy are all who search for God, and always do his will, rejecting compromise with evil, and walk only in his paths. (Psa. 119:1-2 TLB)


Very often, a visual aid can help us understand and retain a concept. Look carefully at this diagram and observe the phenomenon of obedience:

God will give you an insight as to something He wants you to do. That insight may come through reading the Bible or some other written Word. Or, it may come as you are traveling in your car on the way to work. Or, it may come through the words of a religious song, or while you are in prayer and devotion, or through the sharing of a friend.

However, the insight comes to you, it is usually quite quickly followed by an opportunity to do something about the new insight. On the heels of an insight, usually comes an opportunity to either obey or disobey some instruction.

As you will recall, in the early part of this chapter, it was stated that the story of mankind is a pageant, revealing a person’s response and reaction to God’s command to specific obedience. It was also stated that history is the simple recording of the results of the lives of men and women who individually decided how they were going to handle this conditional requirement of obedience.

So it is, at this point, that history is determined. You can either obey or disobey at this point. If you choose to take this opportunity to obey, you are then allowed another insight, consequently, another opportunity, etc., etc.

This is the way spiritual growth and maturity take place. This is the way you allow the growth or influence of the Holy Spirit to, more and more, control the activities of your life.

The following diagram is designed to illustrate how the influence of the Holy Spirit can radiate into the physical and psychical areas of your life. Obedience is one of the main factors which governs this influence in your life.

It is no wonder the Psalmist was so insistent that “growth in wisdom comes from obeying his laws.” (Psa. 111:10 TLB)


Now that you have briefly looked at Christ’s principle of “If you love me, you will obey me,” the principle of “Confidence as it relates to obedience,” and the principle of “Insight, Opportunity, and Obedience,” you’re ready to investigate another concept that we call “Lag-Time.”

Graphically, “lag-time” would look like this.

The period of time that elapses between the time God reveals to you what you should do and when you finally get around to doing it, is what is referred to here as “lag-time.” Perhaps this is the most subtle weapon that Satan can use against you concerning obedience.

You may have been confused and do not see it as “lag-time.” You may hesitate and claim that you have “placed it is the pigeonhole of suspended judgement.” The tragedy lies in the fact that no matter how you rationalize, the end result is still the same . . . a missed opportunity for obedience. You may have been led to believe that being extremely “cautious” is a sign of wisdom, stability and maturity when in reality, it could be nothing more of less than disobedience.

Satan’s approach is to prolong the “lag-time’ to the extent that you never quite get around to obeying what you know you ought to do. Even if there is obedience following a period of “lag-time,” it is sad to think that God’s perfect timing may have been thrown off by your delayed obedience.

In the 14th chapter of the Book of Numbers, one the saddest incidents in the life of the Children of Israel is recorded. God’s instructions to the Israelis were to move out from the wilderness of Kadesh-Barnea and enter into the promised land. Joshua and Caleb reassured Moses and all the people: “Let us go up at once and possess it . . . for we are well able to conquer it.” (Num. 14:30 TLB)

But the people revolted, “There are giants over there. . . and fortified cities . . . take us back to Egypt lest we all die here.” The Lord’s anger was hot against them and he demanded that they move away from the entrance to the promised land. He declared that no one over twenty years of age in the group would ever see the promised land. They would wander in the wilderness for forty years – one year for every day they had revolted and disobeyed his commands. This “Lag-Time” propensity is pretty serious stuff!

In dealing with the principle of “Lag-Time” there are at least two points necessary to be remembered:

  1. Your awareness level must increase and your sensitivity must become more acute so that you can more quickly respond to God’s Will.

  2. You must develop the skill of cutting down the “Lag-Time” to the point where “knowing” and “obeying” become exactly the same. You must work on bringing the period of “Lag-Time” down to Zero!


The Psalmist David crystallizes this principle in the very first Psalm. He explains that it is not enough to sit back and wait for God to hand down a command for you to obey. He claims that you should always be meditating on God’s ways and be creatively thinking about the possibility of your being in “eager-pursuit” of new and challenging opportunities for obedience:

Oh the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God: But they delight in doing everything God wants them to do, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely. They are like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Their leaves shall never wither, and all they do shall prosper. (Psa. 1:1-3 TLB)


Willful disobedience separates you from God (examples: Eve, Solomon, Judas, etc.):

But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your
God, and your sins have hid His face from you, so that He does not hear.
(Isa. 59:2 NASB)

A life of postponed or delayed obedience produces “spiritual fog.” In this condition, little or nothing is clear; everything is morally gray and out of focus. What you once counted on as a well-defined landmark, now becomes a “mobile-situational-ethic,” hardly recognizable in the haze of life.

Christ has no responsibility to reveal Himself clearly except in response to quick and complete obedience. If you want to know His Will more clearly . . . you must obey more quickly.

His promise is that He will reveal Himself and His Plan only to those who love Him completely and obey Him without hesitation.

A poorly maintained “love-life” will always result in postponed response. If you think you can afford the luxury of delayed or postponed obedience, then you may as well count on spending the rest of your life stumbling around in “spiritual fog.”

The person who chronically complains of the malady of “non-revelation” (I just don’t know God’s Will”) has not only disclosed his symptom, but has also, in the same breath, put his finger on the cause. If you don’t know God’s Will, it is more than likely due to a delinquent response of obedience to the last installment of revelation.

For Christ, who is not the author of confusion, but light and revelation, promised that he would reveal Himself one step at a time to those love Him and obey Him. How imperative it is for you to obey!

Look back for a moment at the pageant stage and listen to what Moses is trying to tell us in closing:

Look, today I have set before you life and death, depending on whether you obey or disobey – Oh, that you would choose life; that you and your children might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and obey him and cling to him, for he is your life and the length of your days. (Deut. 30:15-20 TLB)

This contract is not with you alone as you stand before him today, but with all future generations of Israel as well. (Deut. 29:14 TLB)

And now, the Apostle Paul adds:
But some of these branches from Abraham’s tree, some of the Jews have been broken off. And you Gentiles who were branches from, we might say, a wild olive tree, were grafted in. So now you, too receive the blessing God has promised Abraham and his children, sharing in God’s rich nourishment of his own special olive tree. (Rom. 11:17 TLB)

Now Christ, with outstretched arms, motions to speak the final word:
I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Live within my love. When you obey me, you are living in my love. . . John 15:9-10 TLB)

Next Week: God’s Will Part 1: God’s Will in Your Life

I BELIEVE . . . OBEDIENCE Part 1: The Importance of Obedience


The Born-Again experience and the Spirit-Filled experience divinely work together and become the doorway through which the sincere Christian travels. Those experiences are only the beginning of the exciting adventure. God’s plan of restoration and reconciliation includes an entire and exciting lifetime of spiritual growth and maturation.

The one paramount condition for spiritual growth and maturation in the life of the Christian is a phenomenon known as obedience. Webster defines the word obey as follows:

To be obedient to – execute the commands of; to be ruled or controlled by; to follow the guidance of; to be submissive to restraint, control or command.

In the previous section it was discovered that FAITH is the capacity to believe and then act upon that belief. Obedience is the action part of faith.

It was also discovered that FAITH is the clearing of God’s integrity in our own minds, and being so convinced of God’s plan for us, that we waive our own personal rights in favor of pursuing His Will for us. Obedience is the waiving and pursuing part of faith


God places an extremely high position of importance on obedience. The importance of the subject can be seen in the fact that it is both, the opening and closing theme of the Bible itself.

In the book of Genesis God is expecting obedience to His command to Adam and Eve to stay away from eating of the fruit of the “tree of knowledge” and the “tree of life” in the center of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2 & 3). Then, when Adam and Eve flagrantly disobeyed God’s command to them, and ate of the “tree of knowledge” they were forced from the Garden, and an angel with a flaming sword was left to ensure the integrity of the garden and the “tree of life.”

In the last book of the Bible, John records these words:
Let this encourage God’s people to endure patiently every trial and persecution, for they are his saints who remain firm to the end in obedience to his commands and trust in Jesus. (Rev. 14:12 TLB)

Then, John goes on to say in the final verses of Revelation:
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter into the city. (Rev. 22:14 TLB)

That is the same “tree of life” that Adam and Eve were never allowed to access. They were evicted from their home to keep them from also disobeying and partaking of the “tree of life.” But that is now the very tree that we are invited to enjoy thoroughly – forever, when we fully obey God’s commands.

Likewise, Moses underscores the importance of obedience:
Look, today I have set before you life and death, depending on whether you obey or disobey. . . Oh, that you would choose life; that you and your children might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and obey him and cling to him, for he is your life and the length of your days. (Deut. 30:15-20 TLB)


Over the years, I have listened intently to the various reasons people give as to why they are not instant and complete in their obedience to what God is directing them to do. I have been amazed at the human creativity revealed within the conjured excuses. Allow me to share some of the reasonings I have observed, and see if you might have thought some of the same ideas -- or known folks who have.

  1. “I don’t know God’s Will for my life. Therefore, it is not possible for me to obey. I’m not responsible for what I don’t know.”

  2. “I would rather dictate to God and then ask Him to bless my obedience to my own will – Lord, bless my mess!”

  3. “I have a problem obeying because of what I think it will cost others around me. As an example, my obedience to God looks to me like it is going to work a hardship on my family . . . that’s just not fair.”

  4. “Instead of immediate obedience to what I already know, it would seem more reasonable to take a more thoughtful and sensible approach, weigh the arguments, seek supportive advice from a cross-section of my friends and loved ones, and then embrace a more broad-based approach.”

  5. “I think that God understands the logic of ‘progressive obedience.’ I need a chance to kind of work up to being a little more obedient with each future opportunity. There should be some room for ‘optionality’ -- and then eventually strive to get it right more quickly the next time.”

  6. “When it comes to obedience, I just don’t think I have the attitude or disposition to believe that you are expected to obey with a sense of ‘glad, reckless joy’.”

  7. “To me, obedience carries with it the idea of submission, and I find it difficult to submit. I think it shows weakness! God needs strong people.”

  8. “Complete and instant obedience might have been mandatory for the Children of Israel, but from a cultural standpoint today, I just can’t see the need for absolute obedience all the time.”

  9. “I find it impossible to believe that I must release the results and consequences of my obedience and realize that the outcome is God’s problem. That would be abdicating my own personal responsibility. If I don’t carry my end of the load by worrying, how in the world will anything ever get done?”


From the beginning to the end and all in between, the Bible emphasizes the necessity of obedience. In fact, the Bible presents what almost appears to be a pageant of the story of humanity, revealing the biblical character’s responses and reactions to God’s command to specific obedience. History, then, is the simple recording of the results of the lives of men and women who individually decided how they were going to handle this pivotal requirement of obedience.

This simple, but astounding, requirement has always been for quick and complete obedience. Where individuals have chosen to obey God’s commands there has been ultimate success. Where disobedience was chosen, there has been ultimate failure. The simplicity of God’s singular requirement has not been made complex by God, but by individuals bent on compromise.

Perhaps, this would be a good time to sit back and review a few of the cast members in this pageant of obedience as recorded in the Bible. Let’s let them walk once more across the stage of history and review how they handled this phenomenon of obedience in their lifetime:

  1. NOAH

God required Noah to perform an unreasonable task – absolutely beyond logic. But Noah responded with an obedience beyond reproach. You will find the following phrase recorded four times regarding this new father of the human race:

Noah did everything as God commanded him. (Gen. 6:22, 7:5, 9:16 TLB)


Abraham was a friend of God. As he walks across the stage you will notice that he is talking with an Angel of the Lord. It was to Abraham that God declared:

. . . I am the Almighty; obey me and live as you should. I will prepare a contract between us, guaranteeing to make you into a mighty nation . . .It is a contract that I shall be your God and the God of your posterity . . .your part of the contract . . . is to obey . . . (Gen. 17:1-9 TLB)God began fulfilling His part of the contract by giving Abraham a son – even in his old age. One son to fulfill the posterity promise! Then, God tested Abraham’s obedience by saying:

Take with you your only son . . .yes, Isaac whom you love so much . . .and go to the land of Moriah and sacrifice hem there as a burn offering . . . (Gen. 22:2 TLB).

Oswald Chambers once wrote regarding this encounter:
God’s command is -- Take now, not presently. It is extraordinary how we debate! We know a thing is right, but we try to find excuses for not doing it at once. To climb the height God shows can never be done presently, it must be done now. The sacrifice is gone through in the will before it is performed actually.

“And Abraham rose up early in the morning . . .and went into the place of which God had told him.” (Verse 3) The wonderful simplicity of Abraham! When God spoke, he did not confer with flesh and blood. Beware when you want to confer with flesh and blood, i.e., your own sympathies, your own insight, anything that is not based on your personal relationship to God. These are the things that compete with and hinder obedience to God. (Ibid, p.316)

Abraham obeyed perfectly because he had settled the question of God’s integrity in his own mind and was so convinced of God’s plan that he could waive his own personal rights in favor of God’s Will.

And the Angel of God shouted . . .
Lay down the knife; don’t hurt the lad in any way . . . for I know that God is first in your life. . .you have not withheld even your beloved son from me . . . I will bless you with incredible blessings and multiply your descendants into countless thousands and millions, like the stars above you in the sky, and like the sands along the seashore . . . all because you have obeyed me. (Gen 22:12-18 TLB)

Would you like God to work some wonderful and exciting things through your life like He did through the life of Abraham? Then – how does your obedience level measure up? Is God really first place in your life? He wants to be!


Without the precise obedience of Joseph, the promised posterity of Abraham’s seed would no doubt have ended with the starvation to death of Jacob and his family. On the obedient shoulders of this seventeen-year-old Joseph, rested the fate of the Israeli nation.

Joseph, whose mother died when he was still a small child, grew up with family rivalry that would have made a psychotic out of the most seasoned saint. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers for 20 pieces of silver. Accused of rape by the ageing and frustrated wife of Potiphar, Joseph was thrown into jail to rot.

No one has ever lived who has had more reason to renounce the apparent results of righteousness than Joseph.

It was almost as if God had to take joseph to those depths so that later, when He took him to the planned heights, Joseph wouldn’t get dizzy and fall. Joseph did not become victimized by his circumstances, but rather, obeyed God quickly and completely every time. He was aware of God’s plan (Gen.37:5-10) and responded with perfect obedience.

When Joseph was thirty, God placed within those obedient hands the reins of power over the whole known world. By the end of the seven years of worldwide famine, Joseph had gained control over the known world for Egypt. He had traded grain for control of all the known monetary systems. When the money ran out, he traded grain for all the livestock. When the livestock ran out, the starving people traded Joseph “warranty deeds” to their real estate in exchange for grain.

By the seventh year of famine, the starving people from all over the known world came and pledged themselves as servants to Joseph in exchange for grain (Gen. 47:13-26). Joseph had been allowed to gain control, not with the sword, but by God’s bountiful breadbasket.

God planned the entire phenomenon so that a small band of 70 Israelis – yes, Joseph’s father, brothers, sisters, and their families, could come to Egypt and live under that kind of control and protection.

There in the land of Goshen, that small tribe of Israel was able to fruitfully multiply for 430 years and grow into a nation numbering over 600,000. Then, God told Moses to lead them back home again.

What was the common thread of success through Joseph’s life? Obedience, Obedience, and more OBEDIENCE (Gen. 37-47).


In this pageant of obedience, Moses, Joshua, and Gideon walk across the stage together. They were great men of obedience; executing God’s commands and submitting themselves entirely to God’s control.


This is the little lady who was willing to obediently give her only begotten son so that God would work His wonderful Plan through the little fellow who grew up to be the great, fearless prophet of obedience – SAMUEL. (I Sam. 1-15 TLB)

. . . Has the Lord as much pleasure in your burnt offerings and sacrifices as in your obedience? Obedience is far better than sacrifice. He is much more interested in your listening to him than in your offering the fat of rams to him. For rebellion is as bad as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as bad as worshipping idols. And now because you have rejected the word of Jehovah, he has rejected you from being king. (I Sam. 15:22-23 TLB)

  1. SAUL

In this scene of the pageant, we see King Saul not walking across the stage, but he is being carried. He has just died. . . from having fallen on his own sword to commit suicide.

  1. DAVID

As King David walks across the stage please notice the flaw there in his performance. That flaw exists only because of his situational disobedience! (II Samuel 11 through 12)


Watch closely the drama of Solomon. He is an individual who has absolutely everything – everything that is, except obedience:

. . . even though the Lord had clearly instructed his people not to marry into those nations, because the women they married would get them started worshiping their gods. Yet Solomon did it anyway . . . sure enough, they turned his heart away from the Lord . . . thus Solomon did what was clearly wrong and refused to follow the Lord . . . (I Kings 11:2-6 TLB)


Isaiah was perhaps the most prolific of the prophets. He brings with him to the stage some of his writing materials and motions for us to examine what he has penned concerning this subject of obedience:

Morning by morning he awakens me and opens my understanding to his will. The Lord God has spoken to me and I have listened; I do not rebel nor turn away . . . because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like flint to do his will, and I know that I will triumph. (Isa. 50:4b-7 TLB)

  1. JONAH

You can tell by this fellow’s appearance that he has had “a whale of a time” learning to obey God’s commands. But listen to what he is saying . . . He is asking how you are presently responding in obedience to God’s instructions, regarding your own “Nineveh”?


As strange as it may seem, this pageant scene is not showing Daniel in the den of the hungry lions who had just been smitten with a bad case of “lock-jaw”. Rather, he is walking across the stage as “Governor Daniel”, one of the most powerful leaders in the Babylonian Empire. Isn’t it amazing what God has in store for those who perfectly obey Him? (Daniel 1-12 TLB)


Are you a bit surprised to see Jesus walking across the stage in this pageant of obedience? The writer of the book of Hebrews states:

And even though Jesus was God’s Son, he had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, when obeying meant suffering. (Heb. 5:8 TLB)

It was important for Christ, God’s Son, to be perfectly obedient to the will of God, (Read Matthew 26:39-56). How can we even imagine that we can get by with anything less than complete and instant obedience?

Jesus Christ, Himself, testified to His obedience when praying to His Father, as recorded in sacred scripture:

I brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you told me to do. (John 17:4 TLB)

God always honors those who are quick and complete in their obedience regardless of the cost. The way that God is going to awaken our world today is through men and women of obedience. This is the way God has worked throughout history, and He is looking for men and women through whom He can work even today.

Next Week: Part 2: Practical Principles of Obedience

I BELIEVE . . . FAITH Part 2: Neutral Capacity and Moral Issues


Earlier in this section we looked at several examples of how the neutral capacity of faith was utilized in carrying out some amoral psychical desires of the soul, e.g., the light switch, the chair, etc.

Now, let’s see how the capacity of faith operates in moral issues of the heart or spirit. As a starting point, the scriptures tell us over and over that “God is Love.” The “is” becomes an equal sign: GOD = LOVE. The SPIRIT of GOD is LOVE. The scriptures also inform us that we are created in God’s image. Therefore, we are created with the very center of our existence being that of love. The very fundamental nature or quality of our spirit or heart function is love.

As we have learned, however, in the chapters on the Born-Again Life and Sprit-Filled Life, that love is either pure or perverted. Love of the world, or love of God the Father must dominate the human heart or spirit. And the object of our love will possess us. This love, either pure or perverted is the center of every one of our moral decisions.

It is so very important for us to understand God’s simple plan of salvation. He knows that we were born as sinners – separated from him because the very essence of our spirit is perverted love. He desires for us to be completely restored to Him and be controlled by His Spirit of Pure Love. Thus, the necessity of the Born-Again and Spirit-Filled experience.

In order for the plan of salvation to be perfected in our life, God calls on us to activate our God-given capacity to believe His Word for the promised spiritual restoration – and then, to act upon that belief by confessing our need, turning from our sin, and accepting His gift of eternal life.

Just think of the faith that God has had in us accepting his gift of salvation. He believed so strongly that we would accept His offer of restoration, that He gave His only Son, Jesus to pay the price to make it possible for us to accept His offer of forgiveness, justification, regeneration and adoption; heart purity, heart perfection, infilling and empowering of the Spirit of Pure Love.

He has done this through the death on the cross of his own human body, and now, as a result Christ has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are standing there before him with nothing left against you – nothing left that he could even chide you for; the only condition is that you fully believe the Truth, standing in it steadfast and firm, strong in the Lord, convinced of the Good News that Jesus died for you, never shifting from trusting him to save you. (Col. 1:22-23 TLB)

For God sent Christ to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God’s anger against us. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from his wrath. (Romans 3:25 TLB)

Then what can we boast about doing to earn our salvation? Nothing at all. Why? Because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds; it is based on what Christ has done and our faith in him. So it is that we are saved by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do. (Romans 3:27-28 TLB)

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God . . . (Ephes. 2:8 NIV)

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, “he who believes in him will not be put to shame.” (Romans 10:10-11 NIV)

“. . .to open their eyes and turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26:18 NIV)

“He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. (Acts 15:9 NIV)


One of the most beautiful things about God’s simple plan for my life, is the fact that He takes every possible means to help stimulate my faith in Him. God is eager that the “gulf of separation” be bridged and we be redeemed and restored back to Him.

That is the reason for God, himself, entering the human arena by sending His beloved Son to become very much man. God knew when He sent Christ to earth that He was to become the sin sacrifice that God himself had demanded. Yet, Jesus Christ came to earth so that we could experience him with our own personal soul functions of mind, emotions, and will. (I John I:1-3)

Jesus came so we could hear him with our own ears, reason with Him with our intellect, cry with Him when His friend, Lazarus died, be excited with Him when the lame man picked up his bed and walked, and rejoice with Him when Peter, with the eye of faith, finally “saw” that Christ was the Son of God in the flesh.

Why would God do this? Why would Christ go to all this bother?

If faith needs motivation to activate it, then His touchable love would become the motivation. If faith required an object, then He would become the object so that it would be easier for our eye of faith to “see” the possibilities of restoration.

Down through history God has tried to make it easy for people’s faith to bridge the gap between need and actual restoration.

God wants our faith to operate as freely in spiritual matters as it does in normal everyday happenings. When He reveals something to us, He wants us to risk our lives on our belief in Him. He expects those insights to move from intention across the bridge of faith into changed behavior.

Consider the way that God has endeavored to stimulate our faith in Him:

  1. Leading the Children of Israel throughout the Old Testament.

  2. The Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us, full of grace and truth.

  3. Christ sharing His wisdom and instruction.

  4. Christ’s ministry of miracles and teachings.

  5. Christ’s prophetically foretold death and resurrection (Ps. 22; Isa. 9,11,42,46,53).

  6. Christ’s witnessed appearances after His resurrection (Jn. 20,21 I Cor. 15:5-8).

  7. Christ’s ascension back into heaven (Lk. 24; Acts 1:9-11).

  8. The coming of the promised Holy Spirit (Lk. 24:49; Acts1:8).

  9. The transformed lives of His followers (Book of Acts).

  10. The written records of those transformed followers (Gospels & Epistles).

  11. The miracles we have seen with our own eyes, in our own experiences.

  12. The changed lives which we can point to (including the person there in the mirror).


As strange and wonderful as it may seem, that even with God fulfilling what would appear to be 99% of the deal, yet it still takes our simple faith in accepting Christ’s provision to complete our restoration and to live out a successful Christian life. Without this, there isn’t enough conviction, or sorrow, or tears, or prayers, or resolutions in the whole world to bring us to the enjoyment of receiving the provisions which God has for us. Our capacity of faith still has to be activated. It still takes our “Leap of Faith”

It is important to see that faith cannot save – only God’s grace can do that. But faith is the on-purpose action of the determined individual that actually allows the Holy Spirit to live the life of Jesus Christ through that person to the glory of the Father.

The Apostle Peter was somewhat of a pioneer in matters of everyday Christian faith among the disciples. It is interesting to watch Peter develop and learn. It is so easy to identify with Peter in his “Faith Walk” episodes with Christ.

Christ had allowed Peter to “see” some extraordinary possibilities through faith and then Christ encouraged Peter into a growth experience. Peter had been out fishing all night and had caught nothing – not just a few fish – but nothing! Christ very simply told Peter to launch on out where the water was deeper and let down his nets. He assured Peter that if he did, he would be successful in bringing in a large number of fish.

Now, Peter did the normal, natural thing in response to outside instruction. He began to filter the new information through his psychical function and weigh it for validity.

He ran it through his intellect, “I already know there aren’t any fish out there. I was just out there twenty minutes ago. I know what I am doing. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.”

He ran it through his emotions, “Man, as tired as I am, I don’t need someone telling me how to fish. What will my partners think? They are professional fishermen too. They’ll think I am goofy.”

He ran it through his will, “What am I going to do – stay here or go out like He told me to?”

Peter struggled, he hesitated, then plunged:

“Sir . . . we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, we’ll try it again.” And this time their nets were so full that they began to tear! . . . and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. (Luke 5:5-7 TLB)

Peter began to see that when you believe in what Christ says so much that you act on it, the results of that obedience will sometimes even counteract nature itself. That certainly was the case in Peter’s next learning installment.

While out in a boat in the middle of a severe storm, Peter saw Christ walking on the water toward their boat. Peter, this time, didn’t even wait for Christ’s instructions or invitation. Peter called out to Christ, “Lord, if that is you . . . tell me to come to you on the water.” (Matt 14:28)

Can you imagine the smile on Christ’s face in response to hearing those words of faith in the middle of that storm, coming from the lips of his sincere student of faith? “Come,” he said to Peter, and Peter got out and walked!

Peter’s faith actually affected his behavior.

Now, it’s true that when faced by a huge wave, Peter transferred his faith back to the already known fact that people naturally sink in water. It is also true, that he got a good dunking for his daring. He gained, however, something more priceless than any of his more cautious stay-in-the-boat buddies. He gained an experiential knowledge of how everyday Christian faith operates. He was able to experience that amazing truth in the only way truth can really be known -- by trying it out for yourself.

The capacity to believe and then to act upon that belief is truly a phenomenal capacity. In order to get from point “A” to point “B” we must believe that we can get there, and then start out. If we don’t start out, we won’t arrive. If we don’t believe – we won’t start out. That seems pretty simple.

But it is at that point that the subject of faith gets a little knotty, because the converse of that equation is not necessarily so. Even though we won’t arrive if we don’t start and we won’t start if we don’t believe, yet, just because we believe and start it doesn’t necessarily follow that we will arrive if we are incorrect in our belief or misguided in our start.

And in moral or spiritual matters that is exactly where Satan loves to get us off track. He is a specialist at perverting the faith capacity.

I remember very well an elderly Christian man who announced to everyone in the church that he had faith that God was going to heal his wife who was terminally ill of cancer. He said it, he believed it, and acted accordingly – but his wife died within two months. The man left the church and was angry with God for the rest of his bitter life. What a tragedy!

Without a clear understanding of the capacity of faith, and how it relates to moral and spiritual matters, he was left to live with Satan’s conclusion that either his faith was flawed or God was not faithful. Neither conclusion is true.

John gives us a clear insight into the matter when he states:

And we are sure of this, that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything I line with his will. And if we really know he is listening when we talk to him and make our requests, then we can be sure that he will answer us. (I John 5:14-15 TLB)


There is no way to constructively deal with the subject of faith, as it relates to moral or spiritual matters, without first coming to grips with the subject of God’s Will. We will be dedicating an entire section to the subject of “God’s Will” later in this series, but I feel it is proper to do a little forecasting on the subject at this point.

John, in the scripture quoted above, implies that it must become the normal occurrence for us to ask according to God’s Will. Whether we live a life of frustration and continual disappointment and eventual defeat, or a victorious life of achievement depends completely upon the motivation of our faith, i.e., our spirit, and the object of our faith, i.e., either our will or God’s Will.

Christ Himself said:
My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me and from finishing his work. (John 4:34 TLB)

The Psalmist declared:
I delight to do your will, my God, for your law is written upon my heart. (Ps. 40:8 TLB)

One of my favorite authors through the years, has been Oswald Chambers. In his book, “My Utmost for His Highest” he explains how your faith, as it relates to moral or spiritual matters, is not based on any of God’s blessings or the clever performing talents we may possess, but rather, it is based on a Person, Jesus Christ, and His Will, whether we ever receive any blessing or not:

Faith is not a pathetic sentiment, but robust, vigorous confidence built on the fact that God is holy love. You cannot see Him just now, you cannot understand what He is doing, but you know HIM. Shipwreck occurs where there is not that mental poise which comes from being established on the eternal truth that God is holy love. Faith is the heroic effort in your life, you fling yourself in reckless confidence on God.

God has ventured all in Jesus Christ to save us’ now He wants us to venture our all I abandoned confidence on Him. (Chambers p. 129)

Faith by its very nature must be tried, and the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust God, but that God’s character has to be cleared in our own minds.

Faith in the Bible is faith in God against everything that contradicts Him – I will remain true to God’s character whatever He may do. ‘Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him – this is the most sublime utterance of faith in the whole of the Bible. (ibid., p. 305)

Our faith for daily Christian living must start with the surrender of our life in an attitude of childlike trust to the Will of God.

You may feel at this point, “Well, that is a “cop-out”! You have just watered down the certainty of faith by saying that I have to ask for things within God’s Will. Perhaps I want something for myself. Besides, how can I know God’s Will?”

The apostle Paul, in I Corinthians, explains:
But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffle the man of the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts or to discuss them with him or to move the hands of God by prayer. But strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. (I Cor. 2:15-16 TLB)

In the two previous chapters we learned that the thrilling characteristic of the Spirit-Filled Life is that there is certainty of actually having the spoken Word of God, the “Logos,” i.e., Jesus Christ, through the means of the Holy Spirit, dwelling inside of us.

The reason we can know His Will is because we can know Him, the true motivation and object of our faith . . .a Person:
For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him and then helping you do what he wants. (Phil. 2:13 TLB)

Paul states in Romans 10:17: “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” That living Word of God in your heart will help you know what things you should ask for in faith. It is no wonder that Christ felt comfortable in telling His Disciples that if they would ask for anything the He would have asked for they would see it come to pass!

In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask him for anything using my name, and I will do it, for this will bring praise to the Father because of what I, the Son, will do for you. Yes, ask anything, using my name, and I will do it! (John 14:12-14 TLB)

That was not a carte blanche offer to any pagan to pick up and use out of context. It is not an invitation to engage in name-dropping. He was specifically instructing them to ask for things within the scope of His Will, and the Father would honor their faith by giving them the God-centered desires of their hearts. The same is true with Christ’s words in John’s Gospel:

“. . . I appointed you to go and produce lovely fruit always, so that no matter what you ask for from the Father, using my name, he will give it to you. (John 15:16 TLB)

For you to yield to Satan’s temptation to pervert the basis of your faith by using Jesus’ name for something outside of His Will, could cause you to be charged with having uttered a forgery! For Christ even said to not put God to a foolish test (Matt. 4:7), and the foolish test would certainly be the presumption of trying to apply faith in a moral or spiritual matter to something outside the scope of God’s Will.


At the beginning of this section, we used an operative definition of the word “Faith”:


We saw how this capacity is utilized in virtually every aspect of our lives. We also learned how God is eager for us to have this phenomenon of faith to operate as freely in spiritual matters as it does in the normal everyday happenings, such as getting into an elevator or flying in an airplane.

We even went further and investigated how this capacity of faith relates to God’s Will being realized through our own individual lives -- day by day. Now, we are ready to consider a simple, functional definition of “Faith”:


Let’s examine this simple definition: The word “waive” simply means to surrender one thing in favor of another. What is meant by the phrase, “personal rights”? Do you have rights of your own?

Those functions of your soul are your personal rights. Review the familiar diagram below:

  1. Your Mind: Your right to reason something out.

  2. Your Emotions: Your right to do something or do nothing, based upon how you feel about it.

  3. Your Will: Your right to pass judgement on a set of facts – and choose.

Those are God-given rights. They are covered under your “free moral agency” agreement. And in order to make faith for daily Christian living an exciting, fulfilling experience, you have the privilege of waiving those rights in an on-purpose act of worship, thereby, allowing God’s plan and His Will to work out through you as He desires.

Just think of the possibilities of God’s Will being unhindered as He works out His Plan and Ministry through your life! That should open your “eyes of faith” to some brand-new horizons!

Oswald Chambers states that when you are in a right relationship like that with Almighty God, “He will tax the remotest star or the sand on the seashore, in order to see to it that you have all you need to accomplish His Will.” That is the kind of faith that is available to you for your daily Christian “faith walk”.

So now, since we have been made right in “God’s sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. For because of our faith he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be.

We can rejoice, too when we run into problems and trials, for we know they are good for us – they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. Then, when that happens, we are able to hold our heads high no matter what happens and know that all is well, for we know how dearly God loves us . . . (Romans 5:1-5 TLB)

That is the quality of faith that was the hallmark of the patriarchs listed in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. They were so convinced of God’s Plan that they courageously and joyfully waived all of their personal rights in favor of pursuing God’s Will to be worked out unhindered in their lives. It was that quality of faith that was the dynamic of all they did . . . it was the center of their very attitudes and actions. That is the quality of faith that God is eager to have become the hallmark of our lives.

Next Week: Obedience Part 1: The Importance of Obedience

I BELIEVE . . . FAITH Part 1: The Capacity of faith is Neutral


In the previous chapter, “Prospects of the Born-Again and Spirit-Filled Life”, I chose to share some very personal and transparent experiences regarding my own involvement and spiritual journey. I wanted to be vulnerable enough to write down observations and insights that have been life-changing experiences for me, in a hope that our “I BELIEVE . . .” discussions would be personal, practical, and applicable to my friends and readers.

That hope extends not only to the areas of the Born-Again and Spirit-Filled Life, but also, to the subjects we will be exploring and investigating in the following segments. My desire is that the subjects will not be just seminarian, and classroom-theologically correct, but that they will be spot-on Biblically accurate, and especially, -- easily transferable to our everyday lives.

The first subject we will be dealing with in this practical collection, is the subject of “faith:”

How do the activities of the soul and spirit functions actually work out into becoming behavior?

We have all either heard sermons preached, or even secular references made, to traditional examples of “faith”: By faith, the shepherd boy, David, killed the giant Goliath with just a single stone and a home-made sling shot! By faith, the Leper’s deadly spots were cleansed and he was healed. The Centurion’s little daughter, who was off in another village, was healed as the Centurion turned around in faith and headed back home.

We have also been told that “without faith it is impossible to please God”, or “faith is the measure of your blessing.” What does all that mean? What is it? Who has it? Where does it originate? Do I already have it – or should I be praying for it? I even heard an old saint of the church say one time, “Well, God just didn’t give me any faith, so I’m really not responsible in that area.” What on earth does that mean?

The writer of the book of Hebrews gives us an interesting peek into the subject of faith. He describes it: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1 KJV) Perhaps some of our difficulty with the subject of faith stems from the same thinking pattern we had to work through in the earlier chapters of this book. There is a tendency to compartmentalize certain concepts. We think to ourselves; “There is flesh and that is different from spirit. There is good and that is in a different category from bad. There is religious and that is different from non-religious.” Then we conclude that since faith is talked about in the Bible and in church, it must be placed in the category of religious.

We also add to the confusion of the subject when we try to view faith too much as an entity, an “it” or a thing. It will begin to make a lot more sense if faith is viewed more as a “capacity.”

We will use as an operative DEFINITION of FAITH:


Faith is the neutral capacity with the ability to carry into action that which has become convincingly believed. Faith, then, is the capacity which moves a desire or willful intention from either, your soul function or your heart function into actual observable behavior.

Without this capacity you could make a volitional choice, but that choice would remain as a dead intention . . . never moving into behavior. Faith is a marvelous and very necessary phenomenon. You use it every day of your life.

Let’s investigate how the activities of the body, soul, and spirit move from intention into observable behavior.


The Light Switch: If you are entering a darkened room and desire for the room to be filled with light, you simply walk over to the light switch and flip it to the “on” position. When you do so, you have just engaged the capacity of faith. You may not fully understand how the electric power traveled through the wires from the generated power source into the light bulb, but you are so convinced that when the switch is moved to the “on” position there will be light – and you step right over and activate the switch. You could have stood in the darkened doorway and desired and willed that the room become light, but unless that belief was acted upon, you would have stood in the dark until morning!

Your Chair Support: You were not at the factory when your chair was manufactured. You do not know the quality of materials that were used. You do not know, personally, the engineer who designed the chair. Yet, one thing you do know, your legs and feet are tired from standing and you want to sit down. You look at the chair and it is similar to other chairs upon which you have successfully set. You observe that other people are presently sitting on identical chairs as the one near you. Your feet and legs are even more tired than they were a few minutes ago. You believe that the chair will fulfill all the functional requirements of a chair – so you move around to the front of the chair, bend your knees and rest your entire weight upon the construction of the chair. You just utilized the phenomenon of faith; the capacity to believe and act upon that belief.

Your Car’s Ignition Key: There is no way in the world that you would go out in the public parking lot and take a silly looking metal object about two inches in length, with a round hole pierced in one end and funny scratchy, bumpy, teeth things running to the other end, and poke it into the dashboard or steering column of your car and commence to twist it in a clockwise rotation if you were not totally convinced that doing so was a necessary part of the standard procedure in getting your car started. But, when you believe that inserting the key in the ignition and turning it to the required position to engage the starter mechanism to start your car and that doing so will get you going down the road, you have absolutely no problem in doing so.

You may have moved through the procedure quite quickly and with little apparent thought regarding your actions, yet – you were utilizing this capacity called “faith.”

Your Alarm Clock: When you stop and think about it, there really is quite a bit of confidence demonstrated every time you set that alarm clock and totally pass out for the night, counting on that crazy instrument to wake you up in time so that you can get to work. And even though the consequences of a malfunction would be extremely costly, and even though there is no real guarantee that your alarm clock will always work correctly, you believed it will function properly at least one more morning. Therefore, you set it and don’t think another thing about it until it rings or buzzes the next morning.

Your capacity of faith enabled you to believe and act – and in this case rest upon your belief that your alarm clock would perform in a trustworthy manner. That’s real faith!

Other Examples: When you start thinking about it you become overwhelmed at how many times each day you utilize this capacity called “faith” in your everyday involvements. Watching the gas gauge on your car –or even more than that, acting on the confidence in the gas pump you use to measure out the proper gallons for which you pay; or driving through the traffic signals confident that the drivers coming the other way will observe their signals, and counting on the fact that the signals are working correctly.

I even marvel at the ease and confidence displayed when flying on a super-jumbo jet aircraft. Everybody knows that there is no possible way to get that much metal and people and cargo off the ground and flying thousands of miles in a designated direction. Yet, I am convinced enough that it will make the trip successfully that I step right up and with a smile on my face, and pay the required money for the ticket.

Considering how many times we activate our “faith”, in our everyday activities, it is no wonder that the writer of the book of Hebrews declared that, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” (Heb. 11:6 NIV)

The more you think about it, the more you could almost paraphrase it and say that without using this capacity of faith, which enables you to believe and then act upon that belief, it would really be impossible for you to do anything in this life.


As long as you live and breathe you can never quit exercising the capacity of faith. It is a very normal activity of your everyday life. Seeking after the capacity of faith, however, would be like asking for a mouth with which to eat or asking for lungs with which to breathe. You already possess a mouth. You are already equipped with lungs. Likewise, you already have faith.

Faith is a marvelous gift, given to every person by a loving God. You were born with this capacity. In the normal functions of life, the process of this living faith is so unalterably a part of your life that it sometimes goes unnoticed. Faith is so continual that it is tough sometimes to even dream of calling it “Faith” – but it is!

The writer to the Hebrews was talking about that when he stated that faith, quite simply, is;
. . . the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. (Heb.11:1 TLB)

He is saying here that you become so convinced that something is going to be, that you begin behaving as if it had already come to past. Your behavior is actually being altered through the process of anticipation.

It is far more than just mental assent. It goes beyond just wishing that something would happen. There is an element of action which takes place in altering your behavior that is based on a high level of confidence. Faith is not just “good intentions.” Good intentions which do not include the objective risk of behavioral alteration simply die as good intentions. That is not faith.

In the book of James, we are presented with an interesting discussion on this very issue:

Are there still some among you who hold that “only believing” is enough? Believing in one God? Well, remember that the demons believe this too – so strongly that they tremble in terror! Fool! When will you ever learn that “believing” is useless without doing what God wants you to? Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith.

Don’t you remember that even our Father Abraham was declared good because of what he did when he was willing to obey God even if it meant offering his son Isaac to die on the altar? You see, he was trusting God so much that he was willing to do whatever God told him to; his faith was made complete by what he did, by his actions, his good deeds. (James 2:19-22 TLB)

James is saying here that it is possible to use the function of your intellect and become convinced of the merits of something but that is not faith. It never moves from the soul function or the heart function into actual behavior. 
Faith, then, becomes the bridge over which intentions travel to become behavior. Faith is the capacity to believe and then to act upon that belief, thereby, allowing a desire or intention to move effectively across that bridge into the world of observable reality.       


My own, personal, anecdotal episode took place over 45 years ago on a beautiful, late winter night in the mountains of Colorado. Since that time, I have had the privilege of sharing the experience with literally thousands of friends as I have traveled in over 150 countries of this world. Many of those friends have opened up and shared with me the accounts of their own spiritual journeys. Allow me to share some of the insights and discoveries:

* It is an absolutely remarkable ascertainment to see how the Holy Spirit is so desirous to have the individual believer be rid of that divided allegiance of the double-mindedness. He desires to remove all inner hindrances so that there is perfect conformity with his nature and his will. He is prepared to put an end to that destructive inner civil war by making available his two-fold plan to take care of the two-fold problem of sin.

* Another observation that I find so astounding, is the Holy Spirit’s creativity that is displayed in dealing with the uniqueness of each individual. Each person’s set of spiritual circumstances is different. Each person has allowed his or her very own desires, lusts, fears, ambitions, expectations, and egos to shape and create the individual “god” they worship and serve. That “god” is the very entity that is in direct opposition to the one-and-only Holy God of the universe . . . Jehovah!

It is that individual’s very own “god” that has to be eradicated and surrendered before that individual believer can experience the Spirit-filled Life. God is not going to enter in and take up permanent residence in a sinful dwelling. Once again, God demands that the individual believer must become aware of the need, aware of the promised cure, and then activate the sovereign free moral power to choose to acknowledge, confess, commit, and believe.

When that happens, the mighty work of the Holy Spirit cleanses the innermost heart from that old sin nature, and fills that heart with the very nature of God’s Holy Spirit, and empowers the individual to become everything God had in mind when that person was created.

The Holy Spirit of God knew well that I had devised my own “god” and had become addicted to personal wealth and accumulation. I was worshiping that “god.” But other people have told me that their “god” had been an illicit habit that they had no intention of giving up. Others have admitted to pursuing an all-consuming life dream or ideal that they had grown to worship. It totally controlled them. And others have told me that they had been totally controlled by a hatred toward a previous partner or family member.

The Holy Spirit’s work rarely comes to two individuals in the exact, same way. He designs tailor-made provisions for tailor-made individuals who need miraculous work of the divine Spirit of God in their lives.

* It was interesting to find during my many conversations with my friends, that the working of the Holy Spirit through the Divine Initiative process, was always subsequent to the Born-Again experience. There were some occasions where people had experienced the Spirit-Filled event shortly following the Born-Again experience, but mostly there was a longer interval that existed where the Holy Spirit was raising the awareness level of the believer for the need to deal with the original sin problem.

Some discussions centered around the possibility of both the Born-Again experience and the Spirit-Filled experience happening simultaneously. Quite conclusively, the answers followed the logic that simultaneous is understood to be two or more events happening at the same instant. That being the case, the answer would be “no.” You have two separate solutions being applied to two separate problems. After the Born-Again experience there remains in the Heart the presence of the original sin nature.

I recall, in my own personal episode, that in the Born-Again experience, I was totally consumed and focused on my need to find relief from the weight of guilt and condemnation regarding my past accumulated sins. I needed to find forgiveness and a new life. I wasn’t thinking about much else. At a later time, the kind and faithful Holy Spirit began working on taking care of the problem that made me accumulate those sinful acts in the first place.

* When it came to researching and discussing such terms as “Sanctification”, it was delightful to realize that the life of Sanctification actually begins with the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit in the experience of the Born-Again life, continues throughout the Holy Spirit’s work in the episode of the Spirit-Filled life and then, proceeds right on into the “Continuation” phase of the spiritual journey right up to the gates of heaven. Now, that’s “Entire Sanctification”!

* It was interesting to realize that in the Born-Again and Spirit-Filled experiences the Heart Function was cleansed and changed. The amoral aspects, however, of the mind, emotions, and will, were – and still are -- indirectly affected. Likewise, the amoral physical body can also be indirectly affected, many times resulting in better heath, less inner stress, and less debilitating anxiety. That does not suggest, however, that by being filled with the Holy Spirit the individual will be perfect in either the physical or the psychical functions.

* In my hundreds of conversations, it was consistently agreed upon, that the problem of original sin must be cleansed from the individual before the individual is allowed to enter heaven – There is no sin, and will be no sin, allowed to get into heaven! So, just why wouldn’t you want to take care of the problem as soon as possible?

Speaking of the “sin” situation; it doesn’t take much sincere research to discover that God is very serious when it comes to the understanding that human conduct in the New Testament implies conscious choice. Sin is a voluntary transgression against a known law of God. It is a matter of choice, intention, and purpose. God’s redeemed children must not keep on sinning. That’s not just a heavenly suggestion – it is a mandate:

No one who lives in him keeps on sinning . . . Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. No one who is born of God will continue to sin . . . (I John 3: 6-9 NIV)

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins. (James 4: NIV)

The reason that sinning is so serious, is because sinning separates us from God. It is not to be considered just an “Oooops” – it is a “NO, NO” – “Thou shalt not”!

But your iniquities have separated you from your God. (Isa. 59:2 NIV)

* Another insight and discovery regarding the subject of “sin,” dealt with the question of whether it was possible for an individual who had experienced the Born-Again and Spirit-Filled occurrences was immune to sin – “can you sin again if once you were spirit filled?”

Some of my friends had heard that there was a kind of celestial vaccine injected, and from that point on you could pretty much do what you jolly-well wanted to do, without consequences. One had heard that God’s pencil didn’t have an eraser on the end of it – so, once your name was written down, you could return to your old ways and there wasn’t much God could do about it.

It was pretty much a unanimous decision, over the years, that disobedience to God’s Spoken, Written, or Living Word was sin, and sin separates us from God. There seemed to be equal agreement to the rationale and research that the door was still open, and the invitation was still available, and the Holy Spirit was still very much in the business of wooing and winning the errant individual back into the family via the same procedure and response that had been followed before.

* It was good news, also, when it was discovered that a Born-Again and Spirit-filled individual could expect to experience Satan’s attacks of temptation, but without the presence of the in-bred sin nature jumping in as a “deceiving ally” aiding the bringing down of the individual. Now, the Holy Spirit of God was dwelling within the very heart of the individual. There was no longer any “conflict” or waring between the “original sin nature” and Christ. The Holy Spirit now empowered, strengthened, and enabled the individual to experience wonderful victory even in the times of temptation and testing. Jesus, the High Priest of the Heavens, has promised to be there to guarantee victory:

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens. Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Heb. 4:14-16 NIV)

* Allow me to share here, another personal insight I received during my Born-Again and Spirit-Filled life experience. To me, this was a huge factor. When I began to see the direction that the Holy Spirit was taking me, Satan really kicked in with the opposition defense. I was getting glimpses that “surrender” was going to be the required “operative word” as we moved forward. I had made success and wealth accumulation my “god”. I had spent my life putting a keen edge on the art of making the deal. I had become good at selling the product and structuring the necessary components into the deal. I was highly motivated to do just what I was doing. Indeed, I was addicted.

Then, the Holy Spirit began to show me that the idiotic addiction was what was going to kill me, destroy my family, and ultimately neuter my business relationships. He let me see all of that happening within the circles of my business culture -- to the very people that I admired most. Many of my friend’s lives were disintegrating before my eyes. No one within the circle of my partners and compadres was happy!

The Holy Spirit was very kind and patient to point out, and let me visualize, the “god” that I was worshiping. He was very forceful and uncompromising, however, in showing me that the “god” of personal accumulation and greed was going to have to be dethroned and die.

Satan kept telling me that if I surrendered my ideals, my dreams, and goals, I would end up a “milk-toast-nothing”! I would be a person wandering around like a dunce looking for my hat and searching for a stool in the corner to sit on. I would be relegated to a miserable life of useless boredom and “nothingness”!

I now look back over the past forty-five years and feel somewhat silly and ashamed for ever entertaining such thoughts. Once I said “yes” to the Holy Spirit, completely committed my life, my will, my future, my everything, to the Creator of the Universe, and the Lordship of Christ – only then, did I really begin to live a life of fulfillment, challenge, and happiness. The Holy Spirit, over the years, has kept me on the stretch, excitedly spending his energy and insights through me in activities and projects of his choosing.

I vividly recall in February, 2005, The American Red Cross was honoring “Project C.U.R.E.” an organization we had founded in 1987. It had become the largest handler of donated medical goods in the world. It was announced that Project C.U.R.E. had now exceeded the one-billion-dollar mark in its world-wide donations of medical supplies and equipment. I could have never dreamed the new journey could have been so challenging, rewarding, and delightful.

But what really made me happy, was that all of those accumulated efforts had not been made for personal or selfish accumulation or gain. It had all been done for God’s Kingdom and helping other people become better off! These days, I now tell people everywhere, that indeed, “I am the happiest man in the world”.

I’m sure that everything I would have accumulated and earned in my past I would have spent trying to buy the peace, joy, and fulfilment that Anna Marie and I now experience. Would I trade all of that selfish accumulation for just one minute of what I now experience in my new life of total relinquishment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the faithful guidance of the Holy Spirit? . . . Absolutely, YES!

* The “free moral agency” issue and the power of individual choice, has come up time and time again in discussions with my friends all around the world. I think it is worth reviewing this extraordinary concept one more time. It is astounding when you consider the price God was willing to pay to allow for an authentic and cogent relationship of intimacy to be established between created individuals of the “magnificent human project” and God Himself.

God had longed for fellowship, communication, expression, adoration, and worship. That’s why he said, “Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness. That meant something spiritual, special, and eternal. God desired our love and worship too much to destroy it by demanding it, or making us robots. So, God gave human beings “free moral agency.” Humans would have the ability and right to choose individually.

Even before the creation of the earth, as we now know it, God had given the heavenly angels this right of choice. The spirit of deceit, enmity, and evil manipulation had resulted in costing Almighty God the experience of disloyalty and betrayal of Lucifer and one third of the heavenly angels. They had abused the privilege of free choice and it had cost God immensely.

But God was willing to invest that extraordinary and revolutionary feature into human beings. Individuals were going to be able to choose whether they were going to obey God – or not! That right to choose was predicated on the idea that there could never be true, voluntary, and willing adoration, spiritual comradery, or worship without the human’s decision to choose God, alone, regardless of the perceived or real cost.

That discovery and insight alone is worth this entire study. Human beings are lost, because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Now, every living individual must personally activate his or her power of choice to be rid of the accumulated acts of sin and the inbred, original sin nature.

God has made full provision for that mandatory and complete restoration. His plan to offer the Born-Again Life and the Spirit-Filled Life, has been made available to us personally, right now. What a beautiful, restorative privilege we have, to allow the Holy Spirit to actually live out the life of Jesus Christ through us, to the glory of the Father!

Just stop for a moment right now, and let your mind explore the prospects of the possibilities of the unlimited life available to you because of the Born-Again and Spirit-Filled experiences now available to you. What an awesome miracle!

Next Week: FAITH Part 1:


In the previous chapters, we have studied and reviewed the Biblical factors included in the experiences of the Born-Again and Spirit Filled Life. At this point, I am compelled to become very transparent and personally vulnerable regarding my own involvement, observations, and conclusions about these life-changing experiences. Since it is not good research to build a research study using only one case study, I would also, like to share with you the insights and summaries of literally hundreds of conversations my world-wide friends have shared with me regarding their Born-Again and Spirit-Filled experiences.

Instead of pushing forward (or even hiding behind), quotes from Augustine, Calvin, Wesley, Luther, Arminius, and other historical theologians, I would like to take this opportunity to simply relate what I know and can give testimony to, regarding my own encounters with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I respect and value orthodoxy and religious tradition, but I can only really attest to what I know, and have experienced for myself. Since the title of this work is: “I BELIEVE . . .” I feel that I should share with you by including this anecdotal and personal part of my findings.

I was raised in a wonderful Christian family. My father was a minister in an evangelical church. After pastoring a number of years, he became a professor of religion and related subjects at different academic institutions. From my earliest days, I had an intense interest in spiritual matters. I had a very tender heart toward the things of God. The concepts taught in the Bible not only piqued my curiosity, but simply made a whole lot of intuitive sense to me.

Throughout my life, I was exposed to the teaching and preaching of the Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Baptists, the Pentecostals, etc. I had, and still do have, dear friends in the Roman Catholic persuasion, as well as literally hundreds of very dear Jewish friends; and presently, I hob-nob occasionally with scores of my Muslim friends. For the majority of my eighty years here on this planet, I have observed and have had religious or spiritual conversations with folks I have met in over 150 countries of this world, where I have personally traveled and worked.

I was born before the USA entered into World War II. As the war was proceeding, the phenomenon of radio was taking off in a huge way. My Dad was a “visionary” of sorts in his ministry approach, and took to the airways. I recall that he conducted as many as seven radio broadcasts each week. I was only four years old, but he would have me come down to those awesome recording studios with him and sing to his audiences as he accompanied me with his harmonica. That was in the 1940s’! The people loved it.

On one broadcast, he was telling the radio audience all about the love of Jesus and how Jesus desired to come and live in the hearts of the people he loved so much.

On the way home from that broadcast, I asked my Dad if Jesus wanted to also come into my heart and live in me? He was smart enough to pull the car over to the side of the road and help me invite Jesus to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. I was only four years old!

I’m sure that was why I was responsive and tender-hearted toward the things of God as I was growing up. But the years went on, and life eventually, got complicated. Lucifer would approach me in my own Garden of Eden with the same twisted logic he threw at Eve and Adam: “Surely, God didn’t mean ‘that’ when he said ‘that’ . . . and this ‘institutionalized church’ can’t possibly be the validation of all that God represents.”

It wasn’t open rebellion at the start – it was deadly apathy and substitution. There became a redirection of goals, desires, and energies – away from God and his Kingdom and toward self fulfilment and accomplishment. Before I knew it consciously, the three talented Jackson Brothers were head-over-heels involved in wealth-building and accumulation. We were good at it.

We created several successful enterprises and eventually became involved in real estate developing in the lucrative Colorado ski country. Thanks to the opportunities of getting in on the ground floor of such development opportunities as Vail, Winter Park, and Steamboat Springs, in the early 1960s and 1970s, our “Jackson Brothers Investments” company soon rendered us as multi-million-dollar young men in a relatively short period of time.

Interestingly, however, through unique circumstances, the Holy Spirit of God began to pursue my heart, my conscience, and the functions of my mind, emotions, and will. It was His Divine Initiative at work inside of me. The Spirit began to drill down deeper and with more intensity. I became more and more aware that I was not “right” with God. I became conscious of the fact that I had not kept all his commandments, and if I had broken the least of them, I was guilty of breaking all of them.

As the pressure of the Divine Initiative intensified, the more miserable I became. I couldn’t just blame it on my brothers, the institutionalized church, or the actions of others around me. I was the guilty one and the Holy Spirit did not desire that I should remain separated from Him. He was going to continue the pressure, so that I would once again be reconciled to Him in love. The Holy Spirit had not just waited for me to make the first move but had become actively involved in the experience of redemption.

One of the business enterprises we had created was an interstate trucking organization. We were able to acquire all the necessary interstate permits to move things around the country via our own large tractor-trailer rigs. One of the contracts we had landed was to transport very heavy military surplus armament from the U.S. military ordinance depot in Tooele, Utah, to the shipping docks in San Francisco, CA. to be exported overseas.

The process required us to use a huge crane for dismantling and loading the items. I was the crane operator. We had leased the crane from Atlas Equipment company in Salt Lake City. I was in the middle of a very heavy pick and my load was suspended in mid-air – when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a very scary situation. About half way up the large lift-boom I saw one of the cross members of the boom begin to slightly twist and buckle. With the heavy load out on the end of the boom, the main strut on the left side of the boom could not sustain the pressure – and it began to bend.

I had heard of industrial accidents like that before. I was situated in the control cab at the base of the boom butt. Should the boom collapse, the boom would come directly back and down and into the control cab crushing the operator. As I watched, I realized that the weight was now also causing the main strut on the right side of the boom to begin to bend. As quickly and smoothly as possible, I began to keep the pressure on the jib line, but ever so slowly release the main cable to allow the weight of the load to move downward, instead of allowing the weight to force the boom to collapse under the pressure and come straight back with all the force into the control cab.

It all happened so very fast. I still don’t know just how the heavy weight got down to the ground with the huge main boom buckled, and without it coming back against the control cab. We got a smaller crane out to the site and dismantled the bent boom from the large crane and loaded it onto one of our 40-foot flat-bed trailers. The next morning, we took the bent boom back to Atlas Equipment in Salt Lake City.

As our tractor and trailer rig rolled into the fenced lot, we were met by the fellow who had leased us the crane. He was amazed that no one had been killed. He later told us that the previous party that had leased the crane had used it with a huge wrecking ball attached to the crane’s cable. It had apparently been used to smash down a multi-storied concrete building. His excuse was that during the demolition the crane’s cable must have gotten tangled around the main boom and weakened the struts and cross members. “No problem,” he said. “Come back next Wednesday and we will have it all re-built and ready for you to resume your job!”

The Holy Spirit and His Divine Initiative was working on me all the way back to the job site. “You should really wake up and see what is going on. You need to repent and get your life straightened out. This is serious business and you are burning up your chances to make the right choice. I gave you the right to choose – you are a free moral agent – but I hold your life in my hand and I can have it at any time I decide to take it.”

The next Wednesday, we returned to Atlas Equipment and picked up the re-built crane boom. It was all nice, shiny, repainted, and ready to go. We returned to the Tooele Military Depot and reassembled the huge crane.

I had made only three or four heavy picks with the newly rebuilt crane when . . . Lo and Behold! -- the exact, same episode occurred – Again! Once more, it was right at the crucial angle of the pick. This time the huge boom crumpled even more. Once again, I don’t know how I was able to get the load down to the ground without the boom crashing into the control cab and killing me!

This time when we returned the crumpled crane boom, the Atlas Equipment agent was terrified and nearly in tears: “Did anybody get killed? . . . Did anybody get killed?” The men who rebuilt the crane boom were inexperienced and they mistakenly used mild-steel for the main strut sections and the cross members. “They were supposed to use hardened-tempered steel. We are so very sorry . . . I’m so glad nobody got killed!”

There was the Holy Spirit through Divine Initiative speaking directly to my spirit. “Why are you so stubbornly pushing this situation? Wouldn’t you really rather get rid of this load of sin and guilt and have Jesus forgive you and give you the peace and energy you really want?”

I’m embarrassed to say it, but it took even a while longer and some additional awakenings before I was ready to respond and turn and trust Christ alone.

A while later, we were working very hard at our real estate development in the Winter Park, Colorado Ski Area. The Holy Spirit kept up his constant pressure of Divine Initiative. My mind and all my moments were filled with the exciting adrenalin rush that comes along with busily crafting the details of the next big business deal. But beneath it all, I knew I had to get rid of the pressure and get my life straightened out with God. I needed to repent, ask for forgiveness, and find the peace that I somehow knew was available to me.

We were staying in one of our condominium units in Winter Park, that overlooked the beautiful Frasier River and the gorgeous ski slopes of Winter Park Ski Area. That night, after everyone else had gone to bed, I slipped out from my bed and went to the living room, where the glowing embers of the crackling fire in the fireplace were still smoldering.

I began to pray and cry to God, and ask him to forgive me of my past attitudes and actions. I wanted to turn from my contrary ways, repent, and trust him alone. He gave me the confidence, right there in front of that smoldering fire, that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross had paid the required price to forgive me, justify me, make me brand new, and adopt me into the family of God as a valued son.

In my published book, “The Happiest Man in the World” I go into additional detail as to how God dramatically changed my life and how I became involved in the church and ministry as well as continuing the wealth accumulating activities in “Jackson Brothers Investments” and other business enterprises.

Now, the guilt was gone. The pressure of the awareness of my past sins and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, now was strangely transformed into bright hope, new energy, and a sense of peace and deep gratitude. Why did I delay for so long?

For an extended period of time there was a sort of “spiritual honeymoon” where the euphoria and newness of the born-again experience seemed to dominate the hours and days. Then, slowly, the reality of life’s confrontations, and the bumps and grinds of everyday situations, and the old, familiar replay of common temptations, began to ruffle the smooth surface of existence.

I found myself needing to use my power of choice; and to on purpose, choose to change and alter some of my behavioral patterns. I noticed a new and enhanced sensitivity to “rightness and wrongness” and an increasing desire to seek out what God would want me to do in order to quickly pursue areas of obedience that the Holy Spirit was pointing out to me.

I also discovered within me a strong urge to learn more about what God was like and how I could develop an actual friendship with the person of Jesus. And all the time, I was experiencing a deep and satisfying sense of peace and quiet inside of me. There was a whole lot of learning going on inside of me!

A lot of the changes in my life’s attitudes and behaviors seemed to come rather quickly and easily. In fact, I was often surprised at how much I was changing from the fellow I used to be. And then, the Holy Spirit began to start drilling in on my dedication and passion for my involvement in my business life.

From the time I was a small boy, I had determined that I would be a millionaire by the time I was 25 years old. I look back now, and smile, because at that early age I am sure that I didn’t even really know what “being a millionaire” was all about. I just knew that I was going to be one!

My Mom had read books to the three of us boys about young boys in America who had grown up to be Titans of industry, commerce, and wealth. We learned all about James J. Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Charles Schwab, John Wanamaker, and others. I was going to be one of those guys!

Once my mind and emotions were cleared of the pressure of guilt and regret, and my heart was free to focus on positive things of goodness and freedom, I began to notice that I was a different person in many regards. I began to see things from new perspectives.

I began to observe small but consequential details taking place in the activities and people around me. I was taking time to observe the consequences that were being set into motion by certain decisions and actions made in our business world. The Holy Spirit was helping me to see things I had never considered before. Could it be that my very core values were changing?

Another thing that was changing was the content of the intimate conversations between Anna Marie and me. We were childhood sweethearts and she has always been my very best friend and cheerleader. As we would be driving to or from someplace in our luxury cars, I would begin asking her brand-new types of questions. We started talking about subjects we had never discussed before:

“Why is it that none of the many business partners and close associates with whom I work, are happy? My Jewish partners are not happy. Even my life-long business partners – my own brothers – are not happy. We are all very wealthy and “successful” – but none is happy – and most of them have marriages that are falling apart and kids that are in a mess.”

“It seems like we are all chasing something and we can’t quite catch it. . .so we work even harder, and try to be more creative, so we can get together at a dinner or gathering and boast of the very latest deal we just put together, and the newest “whatever” we just bought. But nobody is really happy! Why is that?"

Our conversations along these lines seemed to increase in number and intensity. “I have yet to hear any of my friends and business associates talk about ‘How much is enough? What in the world are we doing?’”

Then, one day, in one of our candid conversations, I asked Anna Marie, “Do you suppose that it is possible that I am addicted to what I am doing? Am I as addicted to making more money – putting one more deal together – acquiring one more conclusive asset – as the pitiful, derelict down on the street, who is addicted to his drugs?”

“If that is possible – then how in the world do I get ‘un-addicted’? Do I start cutting back each month and each year until I finally figure out what’s going on? Knowing my ‘Type A’ personality, I really don’t think I could do that.”

“At this point in our lives, how do you just start over? – and even if we could start over, what guarantee would there be that we would do anything differently in the next attempt to get it right?”

Every once-in-a-while, I would get this funny feeling – kind of a “hunch”—could this be the Holy Spirit again; subtly, kindly, ever so patiently, working on me? I’m having some of the same feelings I had before, when God was faithfully trying to get me to see my need to repent and get rid of the load of guilt and past accumulated sins in my life. But I had not gone out and repeated those past offenses, and as far as I knew, I had been carefully obedient in everything I knew to do since my born-again conversion.

The weeks and months kept moving right along; with each hour packed full of busy assignments and obligatory appointments. The economy was stable, the demands for our recreational properties and income investments had never been greater. We were at the right place, at the right time, in beautiful Colorado, with exactly the right products to offer. We were making lots of money.

By that time, I had also become very involved in the church and in ministry. One night, I was returning home following a late meeting at our church down in Denver. Our home is located west of Denver in the lovely little foothills-town called Evergreen. It was March the 12th.

Our area had experienced a very heavy spring snowfall. The snow was packed high along the sides of the narrow mountain road. The storm had moved out and had left the cloudless sky to reveal a million bright, twinkling stars. The frozen snow on the branches and needles of the stately pine trees sparkled like diamonds in the crisp Colorado night air. It was a setting too beautiful to ever forget.

I reached down and turned off the radio and began quietly praying to God. I thanked him for the experience of such an overwhelmingly beautiful winter night. I also began to thank him for how he had changed my life, and I thanked him for Anna Marie and my two precious sons.

As I was quietly praying, God’s very presence filled that big Mercedes car in such a way that I was sure that if I would turn my head to the right and take a look, I would certainly see him sitting next to me in that big, plush, gray-leather seat!

Then he spoke to me in a very gentle and conversational voice. It was strange, because I don’t believe it was audible – but it was more real and understandable than audio. He asked me:

Jim, do you really love me?"

“Of course, I do, Lord. I’ve been down at the church doing your thing tonight. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be out here so late,” I replied.

“Jim, would you love me like you love me tonight, if I took everything that you have accumulated away from you?”

Now, that got my attention! The leger-sheet of inventories and the financial statement began to scroll down inside my head: The ski developments, the apartment complexes, the mobile home parks, the offices, the warehouses – stuff scattered all over the place. I suddenly felt warm tears beginning to form behind my eyelids. Then, my answer snapped into focus in my mind:

“Sure, God, I’d love you the same, even if you took it all away – because, remember I started out with less than nothing, and now I know the formulas and I have the contacts, and it might take me some time, but I could get it all back again . . . sure!"

That wasn’t exactly what he had wanted to hear. It was really quiet in the car for a while – then he spoke again:

"Son . . . if I even took your abilities to earn and accumulate for yourself away from you . . . would you love me the same as you love me tonight?”

I was crushed that I hadn’t seen what he was getting at before. There wasn’t anything that I had that he wanted . . . He wanted me! I wept without reserve. There in that beautiful and awesome setting, the Holy Spirit of God, himself, had reached out to me in love, gentle kindness, and faithfulness. He had made the first move to make me aware of my need. He did not want me to live a life of debilitating conflict. He wanted me to live a life of spiritual maturation and harmonious unity with him.

God was showing me that my own selfish “want to” was always going to be in conflict with his divine “should do” until we applied a remedy to take care of that original sin nature that had made me get caught up in sinful acts in the first place! I was slammed with the realization that I could no longer just slide through the eternal conflict, employing just a business-as-usual attitude toward the problem. But along with that realization, also came an overwhelming sense of hope, and a quiet awareness that I was being introduced to “a more excellent way.”

At that moment I realized that even though the setting was magnificent and beautiful, yet I was desperately involved in a horrific battle for moral mastery on the inside of me. I had made the accumulation of wealth and earthly stuff my God. I had listened to the diabolical sales pitch of Lucifer, just like Adam and Eve had, and I had allowed myself to become addicted to the deadly drug of selfishness and material accumulation. That was the real God I worshipped.

Through my tears, I said aloud: “God, if you really want to do business, I am ready to do business with you! I totally surrender my life, and all there is of me to you. Please be faithful to me and show me what I now need to do.”

Well, you can only imagine what it was like to go home and relate to Anna Marie what had happened to me. In the past, I had watched other people with drug addictions try to conquer their problem and get healthy again. It seemed for them that the most successful route was to simply go “cold turkey” and stop doing what it was they were doing.

So, I invited Anna Marie to join with me. We would take all our earthly accumulation and simply give it away to God’s Kingdom work. We would just start over again. If I ever put any more deals together, they would be for God and His Kingdom Business. But there would never be any mistake as to who would be the real owner. I have nothing against money and nothing against good business deals – but I never again wanted to make the mistake as to who is the owner. There will only be one God in my life – I am simply determined to: allow the Holy Spirit to live the life of Jesus Christ through me to the glory of the Father!

I found reinforcement and confirmation in the words of the Apostle Paul, who also had journeyed through some life changing experiences. He had decided that whatever alternatives had to be forfeited, he would be willing to do so, in order to use his power of choice to embrace God’s plan. He valued and worshipped God more than anything else in the world:

But all these things that I once thought very worthwhile – now I’ve thrown them all away so that I can put my trust and hope in Christ alone. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have put aside all else, counting it worth less than nothing, in order to that I can have Christ, and become one with him . . . Now I have given up everything else – I have found it to be the only way to really know Christ and to experience the mighty power that brought him back to life again, and to find out what it means to suffer and to die with him. So, whatever it takes, I will be one who lives in the fresh newness of life of those who are alive from the dead.
I don’t mean to say I am perfect. I haven’t learned all I should even yet, but I keep working toward the day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be.
No, dear brothers, I am still not all I should be but I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God is calling us up to heaven because of what Christ Jesus did for us. (Phil. 3:7-9, 10-14 TLB)

Next Week: My Anecdotal Adventure (continued)

I BELIEVE . . . THE SPIRIT-FILLED LIFE Part 2: Spirit-Filled Experience Delivers Divine Results

Isn’t it amazing that God, through the awesome work of the Holy Spirit, utilizes the same “Response” procedure leading up to the Spirit-Filled Experience, as he did in leading up to the Born-Again Experience?

  1. DIVINE INITIATIVE – God reaches out in love.

  2. AWARENESS OF NEED – God shows us that we need help.

  3. AWARENESS OF CHOICE – We are given the privilege and opportunity to choose a “More Excellent Way.”

  4. YOUR RESPONSE – You can Reject, or you can Acknowledge, Confess, Commit, Believe and Accept this wonderful gift.

Let’s now take a look at what happens when you become Spirit-Filled or Sanctified.
Part 2: The Spirit-Filled Experience Delivers Divine Results

  1. HEART PURITY – cleansing from the corruption of “original sin”.

  2. HEART PERFECTION – restoration of God’s moral nature.

  3. INFILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – fullness of control and uncontested indwelling.

  4. EMPOWERING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – strength to maintain purity and Divine energy for service.


To purify, or to cleanse is to make free from adulterating matter, impurities, pollution, or corruption. The Greek word, katharidzo, means “to cleanse or purify,” and is the word that Peter used in referring to what happened on the Day of Pentecost. The words, cleanse and purify describe the purging of the moral nature from the corruption of original sin or depravity:

God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. (Acts 15: 8-9 NIV)

It is clear and consistent teaching, throughout the entirety of the Scriptures, that the Spirit-Filled experience is considered a mandate and not simply an option for the believer:

Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded. (James 4:8 KJV)

And the very God of peace sanctify (cleanse) you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit, soul and body be preserve blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. (I Thess. 5:23-24 KJV)

The Spirit-Filled life makes it possible to be free from sin, not in sin. It is a miraculous and beautiful experience to be cleansed from all original sin:

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us form all sin. (I John 1:7 KJV)

Study, once again, the diagram depicting the two-fold aspect of the sin problem, and the two-fold aspect of the cure:

It is the shed blood of Jesus Christ that effectuates your pardon from the acts of sin. It is also Christ’s blood shed on the cross that cleanses you from all indwelling sin.

Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify (cleanse) the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. (Heb. 13:12 KJV)

Who will free me from my slavery to this deadly lower nature? Thank God: It has been done by Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom. 7:24 TLB)

For the double necessity. . . there has been provided the double cure!



Heart perfection is the restoration of God’s moral nature in your perfected affections (love) and perfected motives (intent).

Look, again, at the previously presented diagram, regarding the function of the heart and the heart’s characteristics:

The heart is the function that deals with moral issues. It is the perfectible area that deals with motive and intent. It is the moral function of the mind, emotions, and will, that has the capacity to choose righteousness or evil. When God’s moral nature is restored in you, it makes it possible for you to deal from a position of pure motives, intentions, and affections.

As we discussed before, perfect motive does not necessarily mean perfect judgement. Perfect intent does not necessarily eliminate the possibility of mistake. However, with God’s moral nature restored in you, as a new basis of your love and intent, you no longer need to be manipulated and dominated by hate, greed, carnal pride, perversions, or jealousies. You now, have the joy of being able to live out the spiritual qualities and elements of excellence that God had in mind for you all along.

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Thess. 5:23 KJV)

NOTICE: The scripture did not say that you would be kept “faultless” – but rather, it uses the word “blameless.” There is a great difference between faultless and blameless!

As long as the characteristics of the soul and body functions are amoral, imperfectible, and mortal, there will be occasion for mistake and error. But where the controlling fascinations and desired ends toward which you strive are pure and wholesome, coming from restored motives to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and soul, and mind, and your neighbor as thyself, (Matt. 22:37), there may be subjective fault, but not objective judgement or blame, (more about this subject later).

In the cleansed and Spirit-filled life it is not your selfish will, but God’s Will that will be the controlling motive of every situation. The Spirit-filled Christian must follow the example of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane as He prayed, “Not my will, but thine, be done,” (Luke 22:42).


The gift of the infilling is only possible in the absence of original sin. The Holy Spirit is more than an influence in your life. He is more than just a blessing. He is the Third Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit feels, thinks, encourages, and guides you into all truth. He assists you in prayer, and intercedes with the Father on your behalf. He inspires, instructs, and warns you. And as Comforter, He is always present to uphold you when you hurt, cheer you when you are sad, and speak peace to your heart when you so desperately need a friend.

The Holy Spirit can be resisted, or rejected, and grieved by your negative actions or reactions to His directions. The infilling of your heart by the person of the Holy Spirit is God’s greatest Gift to you. It is hard to imagine why someone would want to live out their life here on earth without the perfected relationship that can be established in the Spirit-filled life experience between the Holy Spirit and that individual person.

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him? (Luke 11:13 NIV)

If ye love me, keep my commandments.And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. (John 14:26 KJV)

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26 KJV)

When I surrender everything I have, and everything I am, to the Lordship of Christ, and am cleansed by the Holy Spirit, then He is in the heart in the fullness of control. He is no longer just a resident . . . but now, He is the President!


The gift of the Holy Spirit gives the strength to maintain purity and to do God’s Will. This power is the by-product of purity. It is power to pray: it is power to persevere through tough times. It is power to testify to others about your experiences. It is power to meet the inner spiritual confrontations and to come through victoriously. It is the quickening energy for service. It is all brought about as a result of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses I Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends on the earth. (Acts 1:8 NIV)

The spiritual power is the result of both: (1) an absence of moral conflict through the cleansed heart, and (2) the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, which is the true Power-Source. The Holy Spirit is now at the control-center of the Spirit-filled heart. He empowers it, motivates it, directs it, anoints it, and blesses it.

There is a purpose to the impowering of the Holy Spirit. It is to empower the recipient for righteous living and Christian witnessing. It is not for selfish or personal advancement or honor. It is for the glory of God and His Kingdom:

And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. (Luke 24:49 KJV)

Historically, there have been many people who have confessed their sins to Jesus and accepted Him into their hearts by faith, who never knew the term “Born-Again” to describe the experience. None-the-less, they were saved.

Likewise, many believers have confessed their need, believed and accepted the work of the Holy Spirit to cleanse, infill and empower who never knew to call it the “Spirit-Filled” experience. None-the-less, they can tell you exactly when and where it took place and the set of circumstances surrounding the experience.

Those terms usually exist as convenient descriptors to fulfill theological nomenclatures. Accompanying the experiences, however, there comes a certain confidence or gentle assurance that the work has been done. Sometimes this witness may be immediate, or in some cases, delayed. Sometimes it is as calm as a breeze, -- sometimes, as intense as a storm. A lot of it seems to depend upon the set of circumstances surrounding the experience, and also, upon the disposition of the receiver.

The terms are certainly not as important as the fact that the Holy Spirit is extremely faithful to His dedicated believers to lead them along the paths of spiritual maturity for their own best welfare. It is amazing that the reinforcing and reassuring witness of the Holy Spirit does come to the recipient. How and when that intriguing affirmation comes is solely at the discretion of the Holy Spirit of God:

Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. (I John 3:24 NIV)

We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. (I John 4:13 NIV)

One of the most compelling ways the Holy Spirit witnesses to the heart and mind of the believer is through the subtle, but revolutionary changes that begin to take place in the personal attitudes and behaviors of the Spirit-filled individual. The recipient actually gets to observe the convincing changes in themselves as the “Fruit of the Spirit” begins to work out through their own lives on a day-to-day basis:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22,23 NIV)

There is no way to consistently counterfeit the genuine fruit of the Spirit. You know that where once there was selfishness, jealousy, a demand to get your own way at any cost, the head games you played to manipulate others for your benefit, etc., you are now almost surprised at yourself when you begin to respond to the same situations with behavioral acts of love, kindness and self-control.

Where once you would have reacted violently if a certain thing would have happened, you now are beginning to sense a calm peace you never knew before that works to temper your reactions. You are gaining a confidence that assures you that if God really is in control of everything, then His Holy Spirit is in control of you and your circumstances.

Those manifestations of the Spirit living inside of you, working out His characteristics and traits through you is perhaps the greatest witness you will ever experience of the Spirit-filled life. No one can take that witness away from you, because it has happened to you and you know the difference it has made in your own personal life.

Beware of seeking for some grand celestial experience where there is thunder, lightning, earthquakes and the singing of angel choirs. Be sensitive, rather, to the evidence of the Holy Spirit as He lives out His life of purity, restoration, and power through you, to the Glory of the Father.

Your spiritual experience will not cease after the Born-Again and Spirit-filled events. There will be a continued growth and maturation in God’s grace. In fact, you will notice a more intense love for His Word than you had previously known. There will also be a new sensitivity for the revealed insights, for application of the truth found in the Word, to your personal life.

Do not be surprised at the new and increased love and concern you have for other people. With the Holy Spirit now living out the life of Christ through you, your love will not only increase for those in the community of believers, but also for people around you who do not know Christ as Savior and Lord, but desperately need the experience.

The Holy Spirit wants to not only change the condition of your heart, but He also wants that change to be worked out in your everyday existence, as it affects every aspect of your life.

The Spirit-Filled life will tend to have a “leveling out” or “balancing” effect on your psychical functions. The Spirit’s influence will be observed as the extreme “highs” and “lows of your psyche tend to find more balance.

In fact, the influence and effect of the Holy Spirit in some cases will even be felt in the physical area of your life. With the lack of inner moral conflict comes strength and beauty of life.


In the continuation of the Spirit-filled life, there will always be the existence of confrontation; i.e., the facing of alternatives. Moral growth and maturation come by choice and experience. Those confrontations will be accompanied by varying degrees of temptation. Temptation is an endeavor to persuade you to select one of the alternatives. (Later, there will be an entire section devoted to the subject of “temptation”.)

In earlier sessions we have discussed the privilege, and the absolute necessity, of exercising your power to choose. Temptation will always include the element of confrontation, because you will, at that time, be brought into a position of once again needing to exercise that awesome power to choose. You must make a choice. Remember, without choice there cannot be spiritual growth and maturation. There cannot be true worship of God without choice.

In the Spirit-filled life, there will always be confrontation and temptation – but without conflict. Conflict is a problem which stems from the carnal, sinful nature.

Sometimes the question is raised as to the difference between the temptations of those who are Spirit-filled and those who are not. The difference lies in the fact that in the life of the believer who is still battling the original sin nature, temptation stirs up that old natural corruption of the heart with its bias and bent toward sin. In the Spirit-filled life, however, the Tempter finds no responsive ally within the heart.

That does not mean that the Spirit-filled Christian cannot choose to yield to temptation and commit a sinful act. But, freedom from the indwelling original sin serves to strengthen you in the hour of temptation. You can see now, why the Spirit-filled life is an indispensable requisite to the life of constant victory and triumph over sin.

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. (James 1:12 KJV)

Check out the previous diagram, once more, of the CONTINUATION PROCESS. As you can see, there will be confrontations and temptations in the Spirit-filled life. But, since the carnal, sinful self no longer resides in the heart, there will be no need for conflict.

Song writer, Bill Gaither, penned a powerful song entitled; “It is Finished.” It graphically portrays the conflict within the person whose heart is not totally yielded to the Lordship of the Holy Spirit. He does not, however, leave the condition as an unsolved problem, but announces that victory is possible for the asking, and Jesus can be not only Savior but also Lord!                        
Yet in my heart a battle was raging
Not all pris’ners of war had come home.
They were battlefields of my own making,
I didn’t know that the war had been won.
Then I heard that the King of the ages
Had fought all the battles for me.
And vict’ry was mine for the asking,
And now, praise His name, I am free!
It is finished, the battle is over,
It is finished, there’ll be no more war,
It is finished, the end of the conflict,
It is finished, and Jesus is Lord.
He is Lord, He is Lord, He is Lord.
                        William J. Gaither
                        (Used by permission of the Publisher)1
Next Week: Prospects of the Born-Again and Spirit-Filled Experience

I BELIEVE . . . THE SPIRIT-FILLED LIFE Part 1: The Spirt-Filled Experience Begins with a Response

We finished our previous session with three simple diagrams representing: (1) the heart of the sinner, (2) the heart of the Born-Again individual, and (3) the heart of the cleansed and Spirit-Filled individual.

As we move into this session on the Spirit-Filled Experience, I would like to share with you one more diagram I have been working on that depicts who it is that is sitting on your Throne of Life:  



Down through the years, the “Spirit-Filled Life” has been described and referred to by religious
writers in different terms – for example:

                                         Christian Perfection ( Matt 5:48)                                                            Sanctification, ( 1 Thess. 5: 23)                 

Baptism with the Holy Spirit, (Matt. 3:11)      
                                          Christian Holiness   (Rom. 6:22)                                                                                       Perfect Love, (1 John 4:16-18)                                                Heart Purity, (Acts 15:9)    

Fullness of the Blessing (Rom. 15:29)
Generally speaking, it is agreed that the Spirit-Filled experience refers to the act of God that takes place subsequent to, or following the born-again experience. It is where the believer is freed from “original sin” or “inherited depravity”.

The new relationship is brought about by the baptism of the Holy Spirit which cleanses the heart and fills the heart with the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit-filled person is empowered to live the victorious and productive life here on earth.

As in the born-again life, the spirit-filled life is provided by the redemptive and cleansing blood of Jesus. It is experienced and realized by faith, and is based on the person’s total commitment to the Lordship of Christ. The Holy Spirit confirms the experience by the witness of the Spirit to the heart of the believer.

One of my favorite authors, Oswald Chambers, describes sanctification or the Spirit-filled life:
Salvation means that we are brought to the place where we are able to receive something from God in the authority of Jesus Christ, viz., remission of sins.

Then there follows the second mighty work of grace – “and inheritance among them which are sanctified.” In sanctification the regenerated soul deliberately gives up his right to himself to Jesus Christ, and identifies himself entirely with God’s interest in other men.

Many of our best-loved hymns sung through the years, have referred to the Spirit-filled or sanctified life. One of my favorite songs, written by Augustus Toplady, says it this way:

Let the water and the blood
From thy wounded side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure,

Save from wrath, and make me pure.1
            Part 1: The Spirit-Filled Experience Begins with a Response
Earlier, we discussed how the experience of the Born-Again Life was a specific “turning point” in an individual’s life. It was a positive encounter for the good, where the individual changed directions and chose one life-style over another. The experience started with the Holy Spirit’s convicting and convincing the individual to recognize a definite need, realize the necessity of a moral choice, and then move on to make that choice by responding in an appropriate and enlightened way.

In the same beautiful, and kind, and consistent way, the Holy Spirit begins to initiate the Continuation process in the Born-Again individual, toward the Spirit-Filled experience. In like manner, the Holy Spirit responds to the individual believer’s need to be freed from that old “original sin” or “inherited depravity”.

Previously, the diagram that represents the “Continuation of the Born-again” experience was presented. As you will recall, it represented the spiritual continuation process only up to the “conflict phase.”  That conflict phase had resulted from increasing awareness of debilitating encounters included in the confrontation and temptation experiences following the Born-again transition.

Now, look closely at the next diagram that depicts how the Holy Spirit moves right into the next exciting provision, designed to take care of that “conflict.”
Interestingly, it seems that the Holy Spirit utilizes the same process to help you see your need for the Spirit-filled experience as he did to lead you into the Born-again experience:






God does not desire for you to live a life of debilitating conflict resulting from moral confrontations and temptations. God desires for you to experience a positive and productive life of spiritual maturation and harmonious congruity. Therefore, He continuously reaches out to deliver you from the indwelling sin problem. He is so kind, and so faithful. He is the One who reaches out and begins to make you aware of your need, even before you have been able to identify that you have the need. God is always eager to make the first move.

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:44 NIV)
And so, Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make his people holy through his own blood. (Hebrews 13:12 NIV)

God through the Atonement initiated a twofold plan of salvation to take care of the two-fold problem of sin. He set the plan into motion. God wants the believer to be rid of the divided allegiance of the double-minded condition of the inner civil war. He wants to remove all inner hindrance so that there is perfect conformity in the heart of the believer. God has already taken care of the problem of the accumulated sins of the past. All the guilt and despair brought on be those acts of willful disobedience are gone. Now, it is time to deal with the insidious principle that caused you to accumulate those acts of sine in the first place - "the sin nature".

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (II Cor. 5:21 NIV)

For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by our sinful nature, God did by sending his Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering.And so he condemned sin in sinful man, in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to our sinful nature but according to the Spirit. (Romans 7:24 NIV)

In divine initiative, God through the Holy Spirit continues to reach out to the believer in order to solve the problem of the inbred sin nature.


At some point, within some set of circumstances, there comes the recognition that you have a responsibility to seek deliverance from the indwelling sin problem. The Holy Spirit is so personal at that point that the recognition of the need rarely comes to any two persons in the exact, same way. That is because the uniqueness of the situational conflict will be determined by the uniqueness of the individual.

To some, the revelation of need will come through an interpersonal conflict between some relative, acquaintance or business associate. To another, the revelation may come through a moral conflict over the question of committing back to God something or someone entrusted to the individual . . . a problem of ownership. To another, the problem of selfish manipulation and control may become the reveling conflict. Surrendering an old habit, or letting go of an old ambition, or accepting a new direction through the awareness of God’s will, often will be the circumstantial setting for the awareness of the need.

Generally speaking, the point of awareness will arise where your will and God’s Will are in direct opposition. It will be your own selfish “want to” in conflict with His insistent “should do”.

The awareness of your moral conflict will lead you to a sense of your own desperate need for Divine assistance. The Apostle Paul graphically portrays such a desperate need:

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? (Romans 7:24 NIV)

Out of your desperation and the realization that you can no longer make your way through your situation in a “business-as-usual” manner, there comes a ray of hope and a quiet assurance that there is a “more excellent way.” It is the work of the Holy Spirit that brings you to the awareness of your need and quickens your heart with the hope that there is a solution for your conflict.

The Holy Spirit does his work of convicting and convincing through the Word of God, either written, declared or living. He works just as he did in awakening your conscience in the Born-Again experience.

You are now faced with the need to admit to yourself and to God your inner conflict with the carnal mind and its selfish double-mindedness. You began to identify with both the positive and the negative alternatives present to you. You began to realize that there is a battle for moral mastery going on inside of you.

The Holy Spirit will help you see how the condition of your divided heart has caused you to fall short of the perfect Will of God. You will realize that your influence and example have not measured up to your own expectancy -- or God’s. That will produce, under God, a great hungering and thirsting; an insatiable longing and searching for a higher spiritual level of deliverance and victorious living:

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Matt. 6:6 KJV)


Once the deeper spiritual need is recognized, then, there follows a recognition of your responsibility to seek a deliverance from the indwelling sin problem.

In the middle of your conflict the Holy Spirit reveals the quiet, steady truth to your heart so that you can clearly see the ugly nature of the inner pollution which was inherited through the fateful fall in the Garden of Eden.

As you see the problem of inner conflict and the possibility of its solution through the experience of hearty purity, you are brought face to face with the necessity of moral choice.

Oh, that you would choose life; that you and your children might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and to cling to him, for he is your life and the length of your days. (Deut. 30:19-20 TLB)

The power of choice - the exercise of free moral agency - is one of the most awesome factors ever designed by God! As we discussed earlier, it was totally God's design and option to give to human beings the ability and opportunity to choose whether the human individual would totally obey, follow, and worship God - or not! There would absolutely be no such thing as true worship of God without the factor of free choice. Otherwise, mankind would be a robot. True worship would be impossible, obedience would be a hoax, eternal fellowship would be a hollow partnership.

The exercise of free moral agency is an awesome and risky enterprise. The stakes are high. The consequences are eternal. It is almost unfathomable that God would, once again, extend the phenomenon of free choice when designing his experiment with human beings.

When Lucifer and the heavenly angels had been given the privilege and opportunity of free moral agency. . . they messed up; and Satan and one third of the angles, who thought they were going to manipulate God out of his position on the heavenly throne by their choice, were condemned and thrown out of heaven to a place called earth . . . from where they will eventually be thrown into a lake of fire to burn forever.

Here, once again, God patiently and kindly shows individual human beings the options and allows the implementation of free choice. Your life can be controlled by the carnal self, or by the Holy Spirit of God. You can choose your own selfish way or you can choose the “Holy Highway”.

And a main road will go through that once-deserted land; it will be named “The Holy Highway.” No evil-hearted men may walk upon it. God will walk there with you, even the most stupid cannot miss the way. (Isa. 35:8 TLB)

The Apostle Paul likens the experience to the “crucifixion” of the principle of lawlessness within the heart:

I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Gal. 2:20 NIV)

There must be a sense of “dying out” to the self-centeredness of the old nature of original sin. Yet, through the dying out process, as we will later discuss, it does not mean the elimination of you as an individual. But rather, you become more alive than ever, through a wonderful miracle whereby Christ now, uncontested, can live his life out through you to the glory of the Father; (more about that later).

The choice may be more difficult for some than for others. The sooner you let go, however, of all perverted selfishness, the sooner you will receive complete deliverance. Choosing the Spirit-Filled life is not an option – it is a mandate:

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (I Peter 1:15-16 NIV)


After you have become aware of your deeper spiritual need and you have recognized that you must choose to seek deliverance from the indwelling sin problem, you are faced with the opportunity of rejecting or accepting the provisions offered to you within the experience of the Spirit-Filled life. Acceptance is the most wonderful opportunity ever afforded God’s creation.

Accepting the Holy Spirit’s provision will include some very logical steps:

Acknowledge through the help of the Holy Spirit, the extent of your need as it is shown to you, remembering that the basic cause of your moral conflict was the inherited, depraved nature.
Confess your need to God. You are not responsible for having inherited this plague of moral infection, but you are responsible to avail yourself to God’s cleansing cure. As the Holy Spirit helps you realize the importance of this new insight, you will be tutored by the Holy Spirit to the point of obedience where you eagerly pursue all that you are being shown regarding the Will of God for your life.
Commit all you are, all you have, and all you ever expect to be, to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. At this point, you lay down your arms of inner rebellion and self-serving as you, on purpose, make a complete commitment and full consecration of all of who you are, or ever will be, to God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and to the Blessed Holy Spirit:

I beseech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1 KJV)

Believe and Accept God’s provision of the cleansing and infilling of the Holy Spirit to take care of the problem of original sin. At this time, you come to the point of total commitment and full consecration where you trust the Holy Spirit with all of your life, both here and now --  and forever. Just as we received the Born-Again life through faith, so it is in the Spirit-Filled experience, or Sanctification, we are made holy by faith.

It is as uncomplicated as that – through divine initiative you are made aware of your need for the Spirit-Filled experience, and you become aware of the fact that you must make a choice in the matter, and you must decide to:
                                                            Believe and Accept
Based on that response -- God does the transforming miracle just as He promised He would!

Next Week: Spirit-Filled Life: Part 2: The Experience Delivers Divine Results